- Debt Market
Reshma Lilani Masters in Management Studies
Under the Guidance of Prof. Amit Kamkhalia
University of Mumbai
Vivekananda Education Society’s
Institute of Management studies and Research
I, Prof. Amit Kamkhali hereby certify that Ms. Reshma Lilani , SYMMS Student of Vivekananda Education Society’s Institute of Management studies and Research, has completed a project titled “Treasury Management - Debt Market” in the academic year 2012-2013. The work of the student is original and the information included in the project is true to the best of my Knowledge.
Signature of Guide
Prof. Amit Kamkhalia
I, Ms. Reshma Lilani SYMMS Student (Batch 2011-2013) of Vivekananda Education Society’s Institute of Management studies and Research, hereby declare that I have completed the project titled “Treasury Management - Debt market” during the academic year 2012-2013.
The report work is original and the information/data included in the report is true to the best of my Knowledge. Due credit is extended on the work of Literature/Secondary Survey by endorsing it in the Bibliography as per prescribed format.
Signature of the Student
Reshma Lilani
It was great pleasure for getting an opportunity to perform a project on “Treasury management - Debt Market”
It was great experience while working on this project. It has helped me to understand operation of Treasury management. I am grateful to my guide for tremendous encouragement and providing all essential knowledge for carrying out the project work.
First and foremost, I would like to thank to my supervisor of this project, Prof. Amit Kamkhali for the valuable guidance and advice. he inspired me greatly to work in this project. His willingness to motivate me contributed tremendously to my project.I also would like to