The plague is a very dangerous disease caused by infect blood. Many treatments are available besides just letting blood including:
Piercing Boils - Cutting open the infected lymph buboes on the body and then applying a warm cloth of butter, garlic, and onion.
Tobacco - Used by smoking tobacco.
Lily Root - Used by spreading it on the body hoping it would suck out all the infected bacteria …show more content…
If it is proved that you are ill, one of the main ways to treat is to let blood. According to famous Ancient texts, many illnesses are caused by excess and infected blood. This blood was let out by leech for smaller amounts or cutting veins for larger amounts. This can only be done by a licensed physician and astrology is a major factor into this treatment. Each Zodiac sign has a different strategy and part of the body where you can and cannot let out blood:
Aries - Avoid incisions in the head and face and no veins in the head.
Taurus - Avoid incisions or cutting veins in the neck and throat.
Gemini - Avoid incisions in the hands, arms, and shoulders and don’t cut veins.
Cancer - Avoid incisions in the breasts, sides, stomachs, and lungs. Don’t cut a vein in the spleen.
Leo - Avoid incisions in the nerves, sides, and bones as well as don’t cut the back for any reason.
Virgo - Avoid opening wounds in the belly and other internal …show more content…
What do you do now? You have five main options to choose between from when suffering from the Plague or any other similar illness: Physicians - Good if you have a gold shilling laying around. Most are hired by the state for all civilians but will probably only help wealthy people.
Surgeons/Barbers - Can be hired to pull out teeth or, on occasion, let out blood.
Apothecaries - Just a neighborhood drug store with all the essentials: candy, cosmetics, perfumes, and Anti-Plague pills.
Local Wise Women - Good for if you’re poor and feeling ill. They use a mixture of herbs to make Usual Clothing Of A Physician homemade remedies.
The Church - As the saying goes “If you’re sick and poor get your foot in the door.” They probably won’t provide you with much medical help but they will give you a place to live your last couple of days.
There are many things you can do to stop illnesses from getting to you! Though some might seem a little over the top, these really are helpful! Here are some main Dos and Don’ts:
Don’t (Make sure to avoid these like the Plague!) -
Take hot baths.
Do physical activity.
No day sleeping.
Eat a lot of