Outside of the obvious visual difference such as physical features that could associate one with a group of people, how are people distinguished one from another? Differing worldviews is a way that has distinguished one group from another. It can separate the way one group of people view their life and association with others; should the beliefs be different. Differences in doctrine and ethics are two markers that separate one belief system from another. But how is it that these two characteristics have such an impact? According to John K. Simmons (2007), the question of “What is your religion” is actually asking the listener of the question “What do you believe are the answers to life’s deep philosophical questions?” This defines the doctrinal dimension of religion. This aspect is important in the study of any religion because the doctrines
Outside of the obvious visual difference such as physical features that could associate one with a group of people, how are people distinguished one from another? Differing worldviews is a way that has distinguished one group from another. It can separate the way one group of people view their life and association with others; should the beliefs be different. Differences in doctrine and ethics are two markers that separate one belief system from another. But how is it that these two characteristics have such an impact? According to John K. Simmons (2007), the question of “What is your religion” is actually asking the listener of the question “What do you believe are the answers to life’s deep philosophical questions?” This defines the doctrinal dimension of religion. This aspect is important in the study of any religion because the doctrines