Table of Content
1. Title
2. Statement of Problem
3. Hypothesis
4. Literature Review
5. Methodology
6. Chapter Division
7. Delimitation
8. Bibliography
1. Title
Treatment of Diaspora in Kiran Desai’s “Inheritance of Loss”
2. Statement of Problem
Why does Kiran Desai present Nepali speaking Kalimpongians in a bad light?
3. Hypothesis
Diaspora is not taken as a positive way.
4. Literature Review
“ Vast and vivid full of tastes and senses, voices and accents,humor and fury. It is a captivating book”-Stephen Deutsch,The Washington Times.
5. Methodology
A Diaspora is the movement or migration of a group of people, such as those sharing a national and/or ethnic identity, away from an established or ancestral homeland. Since its recorded usuage in English literature in 1876 in all cases,the term diaspora carries a sense of displacement, that is the population so described finds itself for whatever reason separated from its national territory and usually its people have hope or at least a desire to return to their homeland at some poin,if the homeland still exists in any meaningful sense.
The Inheritance of Loss highlights the Diaspora but in a cynical and hilarious way with her description of fellow Indian as well as when she describes the Nepali speaking Gorkhalis in Darjeeling. Her portrait of these people is rather biased.
6. Chapter Division
7. Delimination
During my research I would be limiting myself to the treatment of Nepalese migrants in India as shown in the novel in terms of the use of language and social status.
8. Bibilography
a. Inheritance of Loss, Kiran Desai,2005
b. Indian Literature in English: Critical Views, Satish Barbudde,2002
c. Other Tounges: rethinking the language debates in India,