Under reign of Elizabeth I, England was one of the most powerful and involved country in the world. At this time, it was also considered as “the Golden Age in English history”. As a result, Elizabeth was recognized herself as the best monarch (thelostcolony.org). Different from Elizabeth’s successful role, the woman’s position became less important in family, marriage, and society as well because of many old prejudices.
In family, children might lost their childhood at the early age, especially a female. In Elizabethan era, they would have worked from “the earliest age possible” and they were treated as adult when they were ten or eleven. This problem usually took place in poor families (historylearningsite.co.uk). Moreover, woman meant that was a feminine gender and under controlled of man. They often need to be protected from someone. For this reason, female who were a child or adult they must be sponsored by their father not only for safety but also finance, and her honor. In case of that her daughter had experienced “premarital sex” before she got married. Her honor was “besmirched” and her father was “associated with incest” (Phillyshakespeare.org). Another aspect in family issues was an inheritance of property and title that was …show more content…
Women were not allowed to attend the school before of the mid fifteenth century. After that, children in age of five or six could go to a petty school that was similar to an elementary school today. With age of seven, only boys could continuingly study at a grammar school and then went to university. Despite that, few grammar school have accepted girls with more age of seven attend their school. It is better for girls living in wealthy family, their daughter normally were taught by private tutors at home while poorer girls work as servants or in shops (John