
Treaty Of Versailles Was Not Fair

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Treaty Of Versailles Was Not Fair
For the countries involved, the Treaty of Versailles was not fair for the whole. A reason it was not fair was on the grounds that some countries did so much, but extracted little in return. Germany honestly got the better end of the sword. They got destroyed, yes, but not as much as the Austrians. Germany had to pay extreme amounts of reparations to the Allied powers for their losses, but Germany had already lost so much in the war. The Germans weren't even the main cause of World War 1. Considering most everyone blamed Germany for the war, they came out well enough, aside being bankrupt and loosing lots of their land and people. Other countries also got devastated by the war to great amounts, which includes France who got some land and money, but for their work in the war, they should have gotten more. The French who lost 1,720,000 people in the war and their pillaged land and …show more content…
They were on the front lines the entire war and fought ruthlessly. The Serbians did suffer the most in the war with loosing roughly 20% of their population. A loss like that can cripple a country forever and by uniting their people, it helped to restore the damage that had been done. The Serbians, while devasted, were rewarded fairly in the treaty unlike their French friends who were not rewarded as generously. The Italians did not like their share of the war, notwithstanding their betrayal to Germany and Austria-Hungary, which resulted in a broken treaty, they deserve nothing more. Italy who lost around the same as Serbia, was barely rewarded, but due to their unhonerableness, only given a small part of what they had wanted. Also, unlike the Serbians, the Italians had only lost roughly 3.2% of their population. It was enough to cause significant harm to the country but in the end, they got what they

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