Øystein Ra and Torbjørn Strøm Department of Computing Buskerud College N-3601 Kongsberg, NORWAY
Software programmable components interacting with dedicated hardware constitute embedded systems. Such systems are typically application specific systems containing software, hardware and communication channels tailored for a particular task. They are generally part of a larger system and are often candidates for (sub)system-on-a-chip realizations, SOCs; software offering features and flexibility and hardware offering performance. Apart from flexibility and performance, typical metrics include reliability, cost, size, weight, EMC and power constraints. Many such applications in the IT-systems industry have continually changing specifications, and success depends strongly on time-to-market. This calls for a suitable and improved process development model recognizing product life cycles and an efficient and integrated SW/HW-development path. We give a survey of technology trends, future possibilities and current limitations along with a presentation of the “CoDeVer” project and our own efforts within the framework of this project. CoDeVer results will be tested by Norwegian companies ahead of NIK 2002 and the conclusions presented at the conference.
1 Introduction
The development of the information society has had a major effect on all industries. To stay competitive, IT-companies mediating such effects have to invest in human talent, and to identify development methodologies, tools and techniques that are capable of efficiently exploiting the ever advancing semiconductor technology. Both the pace of change in this technology and the complexity of the problems to be solved, are increasing. Embedded systems technology will be a key building block in nearly all intelligent products. This is a yet-evolving product class calling on technology from other classes, e.g. software,
References: [1] Hennessy J: The Future of Systems Research, IEEE Computer, 27-32, August 1999. [2] De Micheli G and Sami G: Hardware Software CO-DESIGN, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 1996, ISBN 0-7923-3883-9 [3] Tabbara B, Tabbara A, and Sangiovanni-Vincentelli A, Function/Architecture Optimization and Co-Design of Embedded Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, ISBN 0-7923-7985-3 [4] Gomaa H, Designing Concurrent, Distributed, and Real-Time Applications with UML, Addison Wesley, 2000, ISBN 0-201-65793-7 [5] Strøm T and Ra Ø, Towards a common software/hardware development process using UML, to be published by CoDeVer as part of the CoDeVer Handbook, September 2002.