The 80s reflected a change on society from previous decades because a lot of the 80’s trends came from the 70s. For example, video games were invented in the 70s, but they didn't kick off until the 80s. New gameboys …show more content…
We look back on the 1980s as a nostalgic time period. Rock music that was popular back then, is still popular today among adults, and high school kids. 70s and 80s music is seen as cool, and although rock was the popular music genre then, today’s pop music is more about love and breakups than much of anything else. Video games of the 80s are also different than today. Back then, video games had less graphics, and were only single player. Today, most games are multiplayer and can even seem real. Not only that, but most video games today are on a phone, so they are accessible from anywhere, where a nintendo 64 and an atari would need a tv to be played. Fashion is also different than today. Today, most clothes are ripped jeans and tight fit, where back then they were more baggy. And these are some of the ways that the 80s can compare to