Throughout the story, it is revealed that Trevor is a very determined young man. He aims high when he devises a plan to destroy a beautiful two-hundred year old house built by Sir. Christopher Wren that survived the Blitz. He loved and appreciated the beauty withheld in the property but wants to destroy the house as it was a symbol of his previous life as an upper middle class citizen. His determination took hold as he wanted that house abolished even if the other gang members thought it was too criminal or too harsh: "Haven't we done enough?" (372) Trevor disagrees and pushes the limits by saying "we are going to destroy this house" (372). The determination that Trevor possesses may have come from surviving the war and the struggle to live a normal childhood with the hard times that came post-war.
While the war not only strengthened Trevor, it also had a huge impact on his childhood, robbing it from him like a theif. It is discovered later in the story that Trevor had grown up too quickly, "the grey...ash... fell on their heads like age" (372). As a result of this, Trevor has deep anger issues. He is forced to take on responsibilities and problems that are well beyond his years which understandably frustrates him. War effects everyone which leads Trevor to lash out, protesting "with the fury of the child he had never been"(373). Trevor does not know how to deal or control his anger so he takes it out in a cruel joke on Mr. Thomas. The whole plan of demolishing Mr. Thomas`s house because it reminded him of his past as an upper middle class citizen shows Trevor's