Comm.110 Jack Byer
MWF 8am-8:50am
Outline for Tribute Speech Specific Purpose: | To pay tribute to my favorite teacher. | Central Idea: | History teacher George Hanlon influenced many aspects of my life through examples of humor, compassion and courage. | | |
I. High school is the four years that students either anticipate or loathe entirely. I myself dreaded the thought of high school because it would be a new experience and worried whether the pressure to succeed would get me. In my first year, I was never the most popular or the best student. At times I felt like giving up and dropping out, but with help of family and friends I persevered. However, the person who deserves the most …show more content…
Being compassionate does not mean for us to help only those we care about, but to be conscientious of all we come in contact with on a daily basis. When junior year came along, my teacher would show us exactly what that meant. A. Mr. Hanlon professed compassion vehemently as he routinely asked students if they would help him on various projects around the community. B. One in particular I volunteered for was preparing Thanksgiving meals for senior citizens. As we prepared the entrees, I glanced over and saw our teacher talking to the supervisor of the retirement home we were helping. She exclaimed her gratitude for the support and Hanlon smiled saying, “Thanks is never needed when the cause is so profound.” C. After the work was finished, Mr. Hanlon took us all out for dinner as a token of his appreciation. Through the dinner he said nothing but two words, “You’re Welcome”; and continued to smile as if he were lost in a dream that he never wanted to end. II. It amazed me how much joy he received from helping others, so much in fact that I jumped at every volunteer opportunity he would present to our class. My classmates said I tried to be the teacher’s pet and that I’d do anything for him. Be that as it may, I volunteered because his personality was so infectious that I wanted to be right there with him making our community a better place to …show more content…
When senior year rolled in, I was buzzing with excitement for graduation and uncertainty of what lies ahead. The time was dwindling down and Mr. Hanlon would be out of school for days at a time. Mostly we were told for family matters or personal time-off, but the stigma of something much worse loomed over our minds. In December of 2009, the teacher I had come to revere with the utmost respect came into class looking dreary and frail. II. Before he began the day’s lecture, he took a moment to tell us his reason for missing class. He had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and assured us that he’d be right there at Temple University congratulating us each individually. A. After class was over I stayed back to ask him about the homework he had given us, but honestly to offer my deepest condolences. Before I could speak, he through his hand up and told me, “Drew you have nothing to worry for, in a few months I’ll be proudly handing you the diploma you so rightfully