This reading is based on field-work in the United States on the streets in New York City as well as Atlanta. Claire Sterk is an anthropologist who works in a school of public health and is primarily interested in issues of women's health, it relates to sexual behavior and to prevent sexual transmitted diseases. She describes the basic fieldwork methods she used to study these women and their communities. Like most cultural anthropologists, Sterk's primary goal was to describe the life of prostitution from the women's own point of view. To do this, she had to be patient, brave, sympathetic, trustworthy, curious, and non-judgmental. Fieldwork is a slow process, because it takes time to win people's confidence and to learn their language and way…
Patty Kelly, “ Enough Already, It’s Time We Decriminalize Prostitution’ depicts the compelling, entertaining and mind captivating skills this well-known writer and professor in anthropology captures her audience. However, the essay fails to justify its thesis that prostitution should be decriminalized in so many ways. Firstly, she shouldn’t base her argument on the findings done on this particular social environment as the focus is too narrow to offer all needed information for an unbiased conclusion.…
Hamed Rabah Hr277 11.16.17 As many of us know, Steph Curry is arguably one of the best athletes to ever step foot on a basketball court. Even with all that, he is just human; therefore, will try to make a great impression. I’m going to discuss the following concepts as they relate to Curry trying to make an impression: Self-Presentation, Assimilation Effect, Warranting, and Saving Face.…
The research topic I chose to research in correspondence to the novel, is rape culture. The first thing i researched about sexual violence was the real life statistics to show how huge of…
What is the main message of Bennett's article, and how is each of the three characters relevant?…
A Critical Summary Analysis of “Reframing Prostitution as work” by Deborah Brock and “Prostitution in Vancouver: Pimping women and the colonization of First Nations” by Melissa Farley and Jacqueline Lynn…
They seem to focus on the fact that young teens who run away from their homes or the ones who commit crimes and end up in juvenile detention are the ones who are mostly likely to become prostitutes. Even though Carissa was not forced into prostitution she suffered sexual abuse and beatings from her pimp. In the beginning Carissa went through the drift stage which she was lead there by the actions she was committing and then through the transition stage which at some point she began to question whether she wanted to continue in that path.…
How to understand and deal with prostitution is the issue expressed in “Enough Already, It’s Time We Decriminalize Prostitution” by Patty Kelly. The thesis of this essay is that criminalizing prostitution is not eliminating the issue but causing more of them. Prostitution is becoming so familiar that we need to decriminalize it because it is not going away anytime in our lifetime or the next. This is shown by the fact that in 2005 eighty-four thousand people were imprisoned for prostitution or prostitution-related offenses. Patty Kelly pleads that where it has been legalized people are more satisfied with their jobs and are more often there voluntarily instead of being forced to be there. This is supported by the fact that out of one hundred…
The first few weeks were focused on learning about each class mate as well as learning about different audiences for different situations. An assignment that was assigned to the class was that everyone needed to get on the internet and research about people that were affected by different horrible situations, such as drugs, alcohol, women that worked “the corner” for money and many other reasons. While looking through the pictures of each person, we were to right a short summary about a person that was interesting. One person that stood out is “Takeesha 3- is a prostitute and is a mother and she is happy with the way things are she says it is what it is” (DeShazo #10) This woman stated that she knew what she had done and was really okay with the way it was. Also, another assignment completely opposite of this assignment was “Fish Cheeks.” This is a story written by Amy Tan about a girl that is Chinese and has a crush on an American boy and is ashamed of her culture. An example is “Because she is the opposite of him and does not know what he will think of her family.” (DeShazo #1 Fish Cheeks) This girl was ashamed of her culture and soon realized after the dinner was over that her mother was trying to make things better for her by cooking…
Among all the controversial topics, prostitution is one of the most scandalous. Being one of the world’s oldest professions; prostitution uses the sin of adultery to lure clients into spending money on sexual pleasure. Although many prostitutes are controlled by pimps and social pressures, the act of prostitution is a lucrative way to make quick and relatively easy money. If one were to take in the positives and negatives of prostitution, it’s clear to see that legalization, though frowned upon, would have a progressive outcome.…
In the 21st century, the profession of prostitution has been a target of great controversy as far as the ethical and moral issues are concerned. Prostitution is one of the oldest professions of this world and the critical debate with regard to the moral and ethical values of this profession are not a surprise for anyone. “Prostitution can be defined as “The act or practice of engaging in sexual intercourse for money,” and is usually provided as an underground service” (LaBossiere). A comprehensive majority of the world’s population believes that prostitution is an immoral and unethical profession and it is also considered to be an illegal practice in most parts of the world. However, the profession has only grown dramatically over the past few decades and many…
Intro: I am going to begin by telling you what prostitution is: prostitution is “the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment; the unworthy or corrupt use of one’s talents for the sake of personal or financial gain” (OxfordDictionaries). Now that we know that let me ask you something, with a show of hands, how many of you know that prostitution is considered the world’s oldest profession? Now, how many of you know that prostitution is currently illegal in most of the United States? And lastly, how many of you guys are aware of the fact that prostitution is something that is not only affecting our country but our society as a whole?…
The reasons why the number of female sex-workers rose are varied, but one of the most obvious has to do with the money; it was no secret that a women who sold her body to men could make as much money in a few days as a needle-worker could make in an entire month. Thus the call to the morally questionable occupation seemed quite reasonable to a number of women. But money was not the only reason why women chose to prostitute themselves. Historical accounts tell us that there were many reasons and situations that led women into prostitution; testimonies gathered by William Sanger report that women entered prostitution to escape from abusive or drunken parents, to avoid forced marriage, or to run away from lives affected by dysfunctional families and poverty. In other cases, young girls were interested in joining prostitution because of the exposure they had to older women in brothels.…
They examine legal components that address and define trafficking, pointing out that distinctions between prostitution and trafficking in women are relatively recent and have been promoted by organizations and governments working to legitimize and/or legalize prostitution as work. With all the violence, drugs, and negative effects that contribute to prostitution, these are the many reasons why prostitution should not be…
A. Attention Getter: What if you were promised a better life with an advanced career, but instead were forced into prostitution? Many are unknowingly placed into this position by human traffickers.…