
Trifles Compare And Contrast

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Trifles Compare And Contrast
While viewing the play, Trifles, and reading the play, one may notice there are some vast differences in the two. The characteristics stay about the same for the characters that are being analyzed in both the story and the play. Through a diligent analysis of Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Hale one may see that, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters cover up the evidence of how Mr. Wright dies. They stand up for Mrs. Wright because they have some suspicion that Mrs. Wright was being abused by Mr. Wright.
In the beginning of the play, Mr. Hale opens the door to Mr. and Mrs. Wright’s house, and he sees Mrs. Wright “rockin’ back and forth, and she had her apron in her hand, pleating it.” (Glaspell 818). As he is telling the County Attorney about what happened, he
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Hale “You and Mrs. Wright were neighbors. I supposed you were friends, too” (Glaspell 820) Mrs. Hale responds “I haven’t seen her much in her late years. I’ve not been in this house in more than a year” (Glaspell 820) The Attorney asked her “Why was that? You don’t like her?” and she responds “I like her but, Farmers’ wives have their hands full.” (Glaspell 820) Even though they were neighbors, they rarely ever spoke because they were both busy doing their own things being farmer’s wives. Mrs. Hale did not know enough about her to tell the attorney. As the attorney and the Sheriff climb to the upstairs to gather evidence, Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale go onto the kitchen to look around for evidence. They move things around, and as Mrs. Peters goes to hang up her jacket by the front door, she notices a basket, a basket full of quilting pieces. She says “It’s a log cabin pattern. I wonder if she was goin’ to quilt it or knot it” (Glaspell 822) That was one of the keys of evidence; what significance does a log cabin have for her? One would guess, she once lived in a log cabin. Maybe she wants to remember it somehow.
Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Hale have similarities being the women in charge of the household. While the men worked, they took care of the children, the house, and cooked all the meals. Mrs. Hale is kind, caring, and compassionate and you can gather those traits from the play. Mrs. Hale remembers Mrs. Wright for her innocence and happiness
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Wright being the killer, makes one wonder how often is it that women kill their husbands? And under what circumstances is it about? Maybe it could be one of the reasons that lead up to her tying the rope around his neck instead of killing him with a gun. From an article about female murders, there are actually more male killers than female. 85 % are male and 15% are female, that is taken from an international observation. Men and women homicide motives are different. “The seven homicide vent motives included revenge, jealousy, thrill, “love”, gain, conviction/hate, and concealment (that is, to cover up another crime), with each being typified by their own defining set of offender, victim, and offence characteristics.” (Parker 7) Money can be a motivator for female homicide, females are more likely to get jealous of money and selfish with money. Most women often kill for a gain, such as insurance payouts, assets, or due to being removed from a will following a divorce. Money wasn’t made a huge issue in the story, it might not have been what contributed to the killing of Mr. Wright. This article shows that “Homicide of a male partner is not always motivated by a history of domestic abuse, which again challenges and adds to much of the previous literature” (Parker 17). The article given doesn’t give much information about why men kill women but, it does whittle down the motives to just two for men. “There are cases for which the female

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