The triquetra has been found on runestones in Northern Europe and on early Germanic coins.
The triquetra was also found in Insular art, most notably metal work and in illuminated manuscripts like the Book of Kells. It is also found in similar artwork on Celtic crosses and slabs from the early Christian period.
This symbol – the one part of the symbol is interlinked with the other, it is not three different symbols, the one form is interlinked and related to the other. A very common representation of the symbol is with a circle that goes through the three interconnected loops of the Triquetra. The circle is to emphasize the unity of the whole combination of three forces.
The Function and Content: The triquetra stood on various runestones, …show more content…
Many of the parallel scenes complement each other in telling the message of salvation. The Old Testament stories are arranged chronologically from top to bottom, while the New Testament scenes are read from bottom to top.
From the left side of the door in Panel 1 we see the story from the book of Genesis of Adam and Eve’s greed of cutting to eat the forbidden apple from the tree of life. In Panel 2 we see the interrogation and condemnation of Adam and Eve from God for disobeying him. From the right hand side of the door we see in panel 3 the interrogation of Jesus by Herod and Pilate and then in panel 4 we see the crucifixion of Jesus on the Cross.
Task 2c
In panel 1 & 4 the composition structured is very similar. As in panel one, the tree of life is in the middle as the center of the picture in the form of a cross and in panel 4 Jesus crucified on the cross is the center of the picture. Adam and Eve who are shown as the greedy and self-centered humans on either side of the tree, this is depicted in panel 4 by the guards on either side of Jesus, which show the same self-centeredness of humanity. Next to the guards on either side are John and Mary, who in panel 1 are shown as trees on either side of Adam and Eve. These trees can be interpreted as direct vessels …show more content…
We see in panel 3 that the role as a composition that God is on the left and humans are on the right, however here we see that humans are pointing a finger at God and punishing him in the same way that He did to them with pain and shame.
Task 2c
Two similarities I see with Keith Harding visual language and the Ottonian bronze doors is that they both tell a story with symbolism and both using human forms to portray their stories.
Task 3b
Damien Hirst work For the love of God which is a skull full of diamonds, something very expensive and desirable just like the love of God, which is something precious and desirable.
Task 4a
Panofsky means by disguised symbolism: That the significance of the objects used is a feature rather that a symbolic one, as they actually to belong together, Panofsky references ‘the same way that a club belongs to Hercules.’ By disguised, Panofsky means that these significant attributes/features are not emphasized as what they actually are, but are disguised as ordinary pieces of furniture – while on the other hand they are arranged in such a way that impresses the beholder with a kind of mystery and makes him inclined to suspect a hidden significance in all and every