The question will be answered in the following section of the research. We will discuss various characteristics and describe three types of Down syndromes, but the main one I would like to go into detail is Trisomy 21. According to the center for disease control and prevention (2014), 95% of individuals with Down syndrome have Trisomy 21. I would explain the differences between the three. It is difficult to distinguish them because the behaviors and physical features are similar. …show more content…
Translocation Down syndrome is attached to a different chromosome; this occurs when an extra part of chromosome 21 is present, and only 3% of people with Down syndrome have it. Mosaic Down syndrome have three copies or sometimes two chromosomes 21 and only 2% have it. (Center for disease and control prevention, 2014). It is difficult to distinguish the three without looking at the chromosomes. Trisomy 21 occurs 1 in 800 newborns and according to the genetics home reference (2015) it is estimated that 250,000 in the United States have Down syndrome. Physical features of Down Syndrome include: almond-shaped eyes, flattened face, a short neck, small ears, small hands and feet, poor muscle tone and they are short in size than adults and children. This condition remains the utmost common chromosomal condition diagnose in the United States (Selikowitz, 2008). Individuals with this condition may have medical problems, for example, heart defects, eye diseases, hip dislocation, leukemia in infancy, anemia, or hearing loss affecting 75%. (centers for disease and control prevention, 2014). Every individual is unique and has certain characteristics. Around 40-80% of people with down syndrome have hearing impairments (laws & hall, 2014). Hearing loss can impact children’s speech and language development. The common cause of hearing difficulties in