Bengal tigers are an endangered species located in Asian tropical rainforests. Bengal tigers play a significant role in the ecosystem due to their importance in the food chain. According to Global Tiger Initiative, “The decline of large predators may lead to over-abundance of herbivores …show more content…
such as deer, which in turn has repercussions on tree regeneration land seed dispersal.” Without tigers, the entire food chain would be changed which could lead to an overpopulation of animals and a food shortage. An adaptation of Bengal tigers that have allowed them to survive is their stripes. The orange and black stripes blend into the forest’s shadows letting them sneak up on their prey and attack. Another adaptation is inside their retinas which allow them to see when it is dark. Bengal tigers are vertebrates and are usually 9 foot long. They have the largest canine teeth of any mammal and long retractable claws. Their diet is made up of various meats including wild boar and water buffalo.
Lemurs like Bengal tigers are an endangered species to Madagascar rainforests. Their role in the environment is significant because they disperse tree seeds all throughout the rainforest creating new trees. A study was conducted to see exactly how much lemurs help with their “gardening” and it was revealed that the seeds dispersed by lemurs were 300% more likely to develop into saplings than regular seeds. An adaptation of a ring-tailed lemur is their vocals which allow them to signal other lemurs when they might be in danger. Lemurs as well as Bengal tigers have the adaptation of good night vision. Lemurs are vertebrates with a small frame and tapered face. They are known for their bushy tails consisting of black and white stripes that stretch for 22 inches. Lemurs eat mostly fruits and leaves of the tamarind tree.
The Kapok tree is one of the tallest trees in the tropical rainforest raising over 200 feet into the air.
They are most commonly found in Southeast Asian rainforests. The tree provides shelter for different types of frogs, birds, and bromeliads. Large spines on the trunk of the tree are an adaptation used to protect the tree from damage caused by animals. Another adaptation is its height because it allows it to get extra rainwater. The tree bark is a mix between white, pink, and brown. Kapok trees are deciduous and rely on the wind as their form of reproduction by using the wind to blow its seeds throughout the tropical rainforest. This method also benefits the ecosystem. The wood of Kapok trees can be very resourceful and be made into coffins, canoes, and carvings. Certain parts of the tree are even used as elements in …show more content…
The Rubber tree is most commonly known for its production of a sap that leads to the creation of latex.
This form of latex is still used up to the present day. Rubber trees originated in the Amazon region of South America. One adaptation of the Rubber tree is its shedding of bark which allows nutrients to be absorbed. Another adaptation is the evolution of the latex defending itself from dangerous insects. Rubber trees produce by opening its fruits and dispersing its seeds in a 100-foot radius around the tree. The tree can grow to 100 feet and has glossy and dark leaves. The leaves shaded the surrounding of the tree usually not allowing the area around it to produce any other
Orangutans, as well as Bengal tigers and lemurs, are going extinct, particularly towards the deforestation of the tropical rainforest. Orangutans have an importance role in the ecosystem as gardeners for over hundreds of fruits. They help spread the seeds of the fruits across the rainforest. They also help the rainforest by breaking branches and letting light pass into the tropical rainforest. Orangutans do this while they make their nests in the trees. These vertebrates have a special adaptation in their arms and hands that allow them to be strong and powerful. Their arms are around 7 feet long, 2 feet larger than their height. Another adaptation includes their colored fur which provides as a camouflage for the orangutans while they move throughout the rainforest canopy. The adaptation of having a “long call” is something that orangutans have as well which let them send signals and warnings to other animals.