Savannas are made up of continuous sheets a grass. They often grow with in 3-6ft tall. They may also have an open canopy of fire and drought resistant grasses, or an open shrub layer. Savannas may be classified according to the dominant taxon in a layer of tree, for example like palm savannas or pine savannas.
A tropical wet and dry climate mostly makes up areas covered by savanna growth. Monthly temperatures are roughly above 64 degrees. Yearly precipitation ranges between 30-50 inches. For at least five months of the year, during the dry season, it rains less than 4 inches a month. The dry season is related with the low sun periods. Soils vary according to bedrock and other situations. In general, laterization is the main soil forming process.
The worlds greatest range in species (over forty different species) of hoofed animals are found in the savannas of Africa. Up to 16 grazing animals and 13 herbavoires exist in the same area. They divide the resources needed temporally. Each having its own food choice as in height, time of day, or year to use a given area and dry season.
Termites are especially useful in tropical savannas through out the world. These detrivores are important in the formation of soil and are not only useful during the wet season but through out the whole year. Termites are abundant when it comes to make the nutrient-poor soil to well nutrient soil. The decaying abandoned termite mounds are resulting in the release of nutrient to the surrounding environment. Its increased by the activity of other fauna. In these abandoned termite nests, termites are replaced by other small insects and critters such