Below is a list - by no comprehensive - of different disciplines of physics. The list will be updated with new additions and definitions as appropriate.
Acoustics - the study of sound & sound waves
Astronomy - the study of space
Astrophysics - the study of the physical properties of objects in space
Atomic Physics - the study of atoms, specifically the electron properties of the atom
Biophysics - the study of physics in living systems
Chaos - the study of systems with strong sensitivity to initial conditions, so a slight change at the beginning quickly become major changes in the system
Chemical Physics - the study of physics in chemical systems
Computational Physics - the application of numerical methods to solve physical problems for which a quantitative theory already exists
Cosmology - the study of the universe as a whole, including its origins and evolution
Cryophysics / Cryogenics / Low Temperature Physics - the study of physical properties in low temperature situations, far below the freezing point of water
Crystallography - the study of crystals and crystalline structures
Electromagnetism - the study of electrical and magnetic fields, which are two aspects of the same phenomenon
Electronics - the study of the flow of electrons, generally in a circuit
Fluid Dynamics / Fluid Mechanics - the study of the physical properties of "fluids," specifically defined in this case to be liquids and gases
Geophysics - the study of the physical properties of the Earth
High Energy Physics - the study of physics in extremely high energy systems, generally within particle physics
High Pressure Physics - the study of physics in