An American Icon is an individual who has impacted America in a powerful way through their progressive or iconic actions. Barack Obama is a true American Icon. Throughout his presidency, Obama has been dedicated and focused on improving all of America and its people through his many policies and reform acts. During his two terms as U.S. President, Barack Obama has taken proactive measures to fix and rebuild our environment, created a health care plan that has benefited tens of millions of American people, and has made many improvements for the LGBT community.
LGBTQ issues have never been truly acknowledged, unless their rights were being suppressed. Barack Obama has passed measures that have drastically improved …show more content…
Throughout his presidency, he has shown strong support of renewable energy and cleaner energy, which will positively impact generations to come. One of the many things Barack Obama has implemented is the Clean Power Plan, which will help battle the fast pace climate change we are combating. In this act, there are strict regulations for power plants to limit their carbon emission, which hurts the environment. Another one of his most important and impactful stances is his view on clean and renewable energy. Clean and renewable energy is energy that can be replenished throughout a human lifespan, that has no harmful impact on the environment. Barack Obama has created infrastructure such as dams and increased the amount of solar panels being used to help save energy and the environment. He has decreased the amount of fossil fuels being used due to their negative environmental impact and the effect it has had on the American people. As he has said, “We need scientists to design new fuels. We need farmers to help grow them. We need engineers to invent new technologies. We need entrepreneurs to sell those technologies. We need workers to operate assembly lines that hum with high-tech, zero-carbon components. We need builders to hammer into place the foundations for a clean energy age. We need diplomats and businessmen …show more content…
In Barack Obama’s presidency, he has shown impeccable traits of leadership and character; all of which are traits of an American Icon. An American Icon is not only somebody that is well known, it is somebody that is well known for their positive contributions to society to better it as a whole. His contributions include implementing a health care system, focusing on preserving the natural environment, and protecting on LGBTQ rights. The multitude of steps Barack Obama has taken to protect the American citizens prove him a true American