Instead, they have many doubts passing through their mind every second. A great example of this is the people from the “Boat Lift” and how they did not know what was in the black smoke but they still went to rescue the people on manhattan island. Imagine going to Manhattan island island to save people but you did not know what made the black smoke. There would be doubts flowing through your mind but the people still went to rescue the stranded people. Frederick Douglas, also is a great example of a true hero. Right before he was going to speak in a anti-slavery he had doubts flowing through his mind. He said in his autobiography when he was asked to speak, “I took it up reluctantly. The truth was, I felt myself a slave, and the idea of speaking to white people weighed me down.” He had many doubts flowing through his mind but he still
Instead, they have many doubts passing through their mind every second. A great example of this is the people from the “Boat Lift” and how they did not know what was in the black smoke but they still went to rescue the people on manhattan island. Imagine going to Manhattan island island to save people but you did not know what made the black smoke. There would be doubts flowing through your mind but the people still went to rescue the stranded people. Frederick Douglas, also is a great example of a true hero. Right before he was going to speak in a anti-slavery he had doubts flowing through his mind. He said in his autobiography when he was asked to speak, “I took it up reluctantly. The truth was, I felt myself a slave, and the idea of speaking to white people weighed me down.” He had many doubts flowing through his mind but he still