This plan is for teaching students the biblical standards for sexual purity based on the book, Introduction to True Love Waits (ISBN 0-6331-9532-4) by Jimmy Hester. The four-session study can be taught in Sunday School, at a weeknight Bible study, on a retreat, or in a Christian club at school. An adult or student leader can guide these sessions. The books are available in packs of five for $9.95. To order copies of the book call 1-800-458-2772, visit, or write Customer Service, One LifeWay Plaza, Nashville, TN 37234-0113. For more information on True Love Waits, visit
Copyright © 2004 LifeWay Press® Nashville, Tennessee All Scripture quotations are taken from the Holman Christian Standard Bible® Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission.
SESSION 1 they wait for time to expire. The Time Keeper will simply say “stop” when time expires. The student who has the cup when the Time Keeper says “stop” will draw a new word and continue the game. The student may be a member of the first or the second team; play does not necessarily alternate from one team to the other. If the first player’s team has not guessed the correct word when time expires, he must stop giving clues immediately. Members of the opposing team are given a few seconds to guess. If they guess correctly, the Score Keeper awards their team a point. If they do not guess correctly, the first player reads the word on his slip of paper and neither team earns a point. In any case, the first player passes the paper cup to the player to his left. That player draws a clue and play continues. When there are no words left in the cup, the game is over. The Score Keeper tallies the points and announces the winning team. List of Words: Commitment Self-respect Date Love Discipline Purity STD Standard Temptation Kiss Pledge Accountability Modesty Plague Abstinence