Bomb to be dropped was called Fat Man, a plutonium bomb more complex than the one dropped on Hiroshima…
Emperor of Japan Hirohito, during world war two gained enormous amount of land, Having advancing at a very rapid pace invading almost all of southeast asia in a time span of less than 10 years. The US played an essential role in the advancement of military for the Japanese as the trade between US provided them with oil. However, July 26, in 1941, The US President, Roosevelt started seeing the Japanese as a threat and decided to sign an Executive Order freezing all Japanese assets held in the U.S, as Roosevelt thought that cutting trade off japan will act as a buffer in them advancing as the Japanese relied on the 9US trade to get fuel. In response the Japanese decided to bomb the pearl harbour which was the navy military base in the US. This marked the day the pacific…
The civilians killed and injured by the atomic blasts at Hiroshima and Nagasaki weren’t soldiers. They were citizens, women and children. The US was more interested in a quick and devastating end to the war than to care for the millions of Japanese lives who were innocent. They had in their hands the weapon that was capable of bringing speed for the Japanese surrender, so they used it. Admiral William Leahy stated, “I was not taught to make wars in that fashion, and that wars cannot be won by destroying women and children.” (Document K: Critics of Trumans Decision to Use Atomic Weapons) He meant by this is we would of easily won without murdering people living in the cities because of their plan and go after the Japanese soldiers.…
He would have also had to keep mass-producing bullets for the soldiers. On top of that, President Truman would have to keep sending food and supplies to keep the soldiers healthy and ready to fight. By sending the bomb, he managed to save all of those resources instead of spending them all. The last reason is to get revenge for Pearl Harbor. Pearl Harbor occurred December 7, 1941, and this attack led to a morning attack in Hawaii.…
Tom Ferebee, from the nose of the Enola Gay, a B-29, used Victor 4120, a Norden M-9B, to release the "Little Man" atomic bomb over Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945 (Twin Beech). The sight remains with the Enola Gay at the National Air and Space Museum 's Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Washington DC. On August 9th, 1945, Kermit Beahan, the bombardier on the Bockscar, another B-29, used a Norden to release "Fatman" over Nagasaki from 31,000 feet. Due to heavy cloud cover, this mission was almost completed using an early radar sight. At the last second though, the clouds opened up just enough to drop the bomb using the Norden (Miller,…
World War II was a global war from 1939 to 1945. Japan surrendered on 15 August 1945, which brought the total victory of the Allies. Right before Japan’s surrender, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima and another one on Nagasaki. The atomic bombs caused great damage to Japan and killed estimated 129000 to 246000 people. However, the bombings helped to bring the war to an end. Whether President Truman should make the decision to drop the bombs is still a topic to debate. Due to the fact that it was the best decision Truman could make, the bombs ended the war, and reduced the loss at that time, President Truman was justified in his decision to drop the bombs on japan.…
Harry S. Truman had to make some of the most difficult choices that any president has ever had to make. He was president from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953, he took over just before World War 2 ended, went through the Korean war, and went through part of the Cold war. When Truman took office Franklin D. Roosevelt died about three months after and close to the same time he had to make the choice of dropping the atomic bombs on Japan to end the war. Which to date are the only atomic bombs used in war. Truman had one of the hardest presidencies out of all of them because of all the decisions he had to make that have not been topped.…
BREAKING NEWS- President Truman had been warned about invading Japan, and the terrific casualties they were capable off. However since they were afraid of attacking our soil, he ordered for a weapon large enough and powerful enough in hopes of bringing this all to an end. On August 6th, 1945 a five ton-bomb was dropped in the city of Hiroshima, Japan. The bombing killed 80,000 people; the city wasn’t left in great shape as well. Although the devastating outcome, we believe that this is the last of the feuding between them and us. (P.2, The atomic bombs are scary, and threating to all nations. Sadly we believe this has both ended problems we have been facing, but also…
To this day, many debate the primary reasoning behind Truman's decision to use Atomic Bombs against Japan and whether they served to bring a quick end to the war or to gain leverage with the Soviet Union in the post-war world. The cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was specifically decided as these were population dense cities that were primarily devoted to military production. These cities also did not hold cultural significance within Japan, as opposed to cities like Kyoto. Because of this, many argue that Truman did not seek to destroy Japanese culture or its people; the goal was to destroy Japanese means of war production. The war was coming to its end and it was only a matter of time before the Japanese surrendered.…
Harry Truman’s decision to drop the atomic bomb was a good decision. If he had not decided to drop the atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the war would have continued and more Americans, as well as Japanese, would have continued to die. Since the Japanese were using ruthless methods of war like kamikazes or killing themselves rather than be captured, it was hard to tell how far Japan was willing to go in order to win the war. Thus, Truman’s decision to bomb Japan is justifiable by the cause of not knowing to what extents Japan was willing to go. I believe Truman wanted to show the Japanese that the United States was willing to do anything to win the…
It was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan on August 6, 1945 executing more than 80,000 individuals and totally leveling the whole city. It decimated more than 4 square miles, or on the other hand 60% of the city. The glimmer of the impact was so exceptional it stained the asphalt and left engravings on the ground cast by the shadows of building and individuals. By concentrate these shadow researchers pinpointed the correct explosion purpose of the bomb. The second nuclear bomb was dropped only three days after the fact on Nagasaki, Japan.…
The bombs caused survivors to have detrimental psychological ailments which followed them for the rest of their life. Because the atomic bombs were much more powerful that any other bombs dropped before it, the consequences were much more serious and widespread. Many survivors of the attacks describe the aftermath of the bombings as a sight of hell, or even a “nuclear apocalypse” with the flash of the bombs being so bright and the dust covering bodies, both dead and alive (Nicholls, 66). The radius of destruction caused by the barn spanned from the center of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, to the the nearby countryside, taking thousands of lives and harming many more. Buildings were decimated, with many thousands of people dying under…
In august of 1945, the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were a questionable decision by Harry Truman, the president of The United States of America. Throughout the years, it has been a heated debate in terms of whether the decision was morally correct and justified. Historians have analyzed and presented many arguments. In this short essay, I will attempt to expand on how historians feel about the decision by Truman to use atomic bombs. The revisionists bring into perspective and question the motivations of Harry Truman claiming he had more on his agenda than just the war. In my opinion, the decision to use atomic bombs was somewhat justified because if looked at statistically, the death toll with an invasion would have been higher and Truman…
First, he shouldn’t have dropped “Little Boy” in Nagasaki because “The explosion in Nagasaki immediately wiped out 90% of the city and it killed over 80,000 people”. That is an incredibly large amount of population. If you think about it, that’s very sad and no one should suffer the attack from a nuclear bomb.…
The creation of the bomb was actually started before the war- early 1941, because the president and his generals were wary of Hitler’s movements in Germany- however; it did not proceed with much intensity until December 1941 when the attack on Pearl Harbor occurred, which caused the USA to enter into the war. Named “The Manhattan Project”, it was led by J. Robert Oppenheimer, an accomplished physicist, and it united scientists from all over the world, not just Americans. The scientist were working on producing Nuclear Fission, which is spiting atoms to create a chain reaction that produces enormous amounts of heat; therefore rendering it very explosive if combined with the right materials, and hoping to keep their advancements secret, since the main facility at Los Alamos, New Mexico was practically swarming with foreign spies. In fact, nearly every country had a “Manhattan” equivalent- engineers working franticly to be the first to harness the destructive power of the atom. And, on July 16th 1945 at 5:29am, the USA won. At Trinity Test Site, somewhere deep in New Mexico, the world’s first atomic bomb exploded, unleashing a destructive power that was more intense than a raid by 2,000 B-52s( bomber planes). History had been made, and with that explosion, the realization hit people that one man could, in effect, control the whole world, a realization that partially contributed to the Cold War , a state of general distrust and fear(although no actual battles where fought)between the Soviets and the Americans…