
Truman Doctrine In The Cold War

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Truman Doctrine In The Cold War
The cold war had a lot of ups and downs but it had enough positives it to be a western victory. Things like the fall of the berlin wall, the Truman doctrine, the Marshall plan, and the space race. Everything is more important or more helpful than something else. The Truman doctrine had the US help countries fight off communism and stay communist-free. The Marshall plan was like the “other half” of the Truman doctrine, meaning the US would provide financial aid to countries to help avoid communism. The space race was simply the US trying to outdo Russia after being out done. The Truman doctrine was a real key component to the cold war being that the eastern side of the world was falling to communism the US saw it as their duty to help countries that aren’t already communist to fight off communism. This plan was to act as a counter attack to Russia’s plan to expand geographically thus expanding communism. This is also known as the containment policy. The Truman doctrine is more important than the G.I. bill of rights because though giving benefits to WW2 veterans is an important priority in the US, what is the point of giving them benefits from fighting if the …show more content…
The Marshall plan was like the perfect missing half to the Truman doctrine, because at the end of the day you can fight for a country to stay free of communism but if they have no money there is a high chance that they will fall to communism any way. Economic problems are one the main reasons communism overtakes a society. The Marshal plan is more important than the U-2 spy incident because the Marshall plan was made to help stop communism but the U-2 was made to spy on Russia. The president at the time continued the spying until the US was caught in a lie by the then Soviet

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