There are four main components of the aggression and violence spectrum. Within the violence spectrum, a person may display “…Verbal aggression, ranging from shouting and insults to clear threats of violence… aggression against inanimate objects…physical aggression against self, including physical, mutilation, suicidal…[and] physical aggression against others, assaults and serious physical injury or death to others…” (Trump, 2011, p. 163). This continuum violence model works because it not only presents indicators that are visually present but also indicators that can vary in degree of intensity. …show more content…
A person can sometimes show signs [simultaneously] are looking for a change in their normal behavior, with a ‘cluster’ of behaviors that occur close together, especially after a “trigger” or emotional event…” (Satterly, 2013). With that said, Trump’s model presents accurate representation of trigger behaviors that can indicate potential