Often, people say that honesty is the best policy and is defined as the act of telling the truth to the best of one’s knowledge. Coupled with the definition of honesty is the belief that telling the truth all the time is good because of certain reasons. Primary motive is that many consider saying the truth as an aid in improving one’s self. For instance, one project organizer asks one of the staff if the theme chosen for the occasion is well suited. Then, one of the personnel has the guts to tell the truth that a better theme is fitted for the event. The project organizer will then have a better idea, thereupon aiding to the betterment of the organized project. Likewise, saying the truth helps us to earn others’ trusts. According to Nathalie Himmelrich, in her article entitled Truth versus Honesty: Is there a Difference , even though the explanation of the word ‘trust’ does not distinctively take into account the word honesty, it is implied in the word. Similarly, stating what reality…