Trust ! !
Matthew 14:24-33
- Introduction : Welcome to #Bgr8 Greatness Inside and Out!
• We are assuming you all want to be Great. !
• In our context Greatness begins on the inside!
• Greatness is not Fortune and Glory!
• To be great we must shift our thinking to coincide with what God has called us to.!
• This is what we believe: Greatness is possible, but it comes from the inside out!
- Greatness is attained when you move your principles to actions -Romans 12:2!
- Today we are beginning the journey to greatness inside by looking at trust. !
- In order to illustrate what Trust is we must think back to when you were a child!
• Kids believe they can do anything and also that God can as well (Slide of Trust/
Fear Bar 1)!
• My Parachute story!
• This is where my life changed and I began to recognize fear!
- At some point early in life fear overtakes our trust (Slide of Trust/Fear Bar 2)!
• Are you afraid of something? !
• What would you do if you weren't afraid?!
- I want to invite you to TWEET us what life would be like if you weren't afraid. !
• Use the Hashtag #Bgr8Trust!
- anytime during the message, I will not be offended if you pull out your phone or tablet and tweet something that comes to your mind. !
- Here is a quick video of some of you who answered that question last week. !
- Video of people with signs!
Thursday, January 30, 2014
• In life we all have things that cause so much fear we become paralyzed!
• As an Adult we must recognize the fear in our lives and overcome it and thus restore trust!
• This is not a trust in yourself, but in God!
- God of course has an answer to all this fear. Its illustrated over and over. Moses,
Jeremiah, Josiah, David, Noah!
• They were all afraid of either the task ahead, the possibility of what it might lead them in to or what people might say about them because of what they had to do.!
- Sound