
Truth In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight

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Truth In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
Why does a society require truth to function well? Truth is not always easy to find. Likewise in the medieval period, truth was overpowered by corruption. Similarly in the literature of the mediaeval period, Piers Plowman, The Canterbury Tales and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, one can find some examples of truth overpowered by corruption. Therefore, truth is concealed by falsehood and is only reveled through the words of the authors of these works.
In Piers Plowman, the church is corrupted because of the bad deeds of the people who work for it. To begin, they were selfish. Instead of preaching the gospel with the purpose of saving people's lives, they were "preaching the gospel for profit of the womb, explaining the gospel just as they
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Also there were the working class, "Some put them to the plough, played full seldom, In setting and sowing swonked full hard"(20-21). After all the hard work the riches who do nothing waste the goods. As the author states, "wasters with gluttony de royeth"(22). The poor are the working class who help the growth of the economy buyout the economy is conceals by the rich waters (26). The people in the high power have concealed the hard working nature of the poor.
In The Prologue, the hardworking characters represent truth inside the corrupted society. The narrator, Chaucer, introduces each character headed towards the pilgrimage. Among them are the fake individuals, and together they corrupt the society. These characters' jobs are the opposite of its definition. For example, "the manciple came from the inner temple; All caterers might follow his examples in buying victuals"(Geoffrey Chaucer 585-587). By definition, he is supplier of the temple. As portrayed by his job he seems to play a important role by distributing supplies. In reality, the author reveals, the Manciple is a fraud to the society because "an illiterate fellow can outpace The
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It all starts with the game presented by the Green Knight; "You will grant me gladly the little game that I ask as my right"(Poet 56). Being a king, Arthur cannot express fear because he is the protector of the society. Therefore, the King accepts the challenge but Gawain steps forward to take the king's place; "Let this game be mine"(24). As the game progresses, one can identify that the game was a test to see how true Gawain is to his code of chivalry. The game was not fair for Gawain because the Green Knight held superpowers(167). As it stated,"He held his head by the hair, high, in his hand; and the stranger sat there as steadily in his saddle"(167-168). The Green Knight had the ability to live without his head attached to his body. Even though he knows that he will die if he pursues the Green Knight, "Sir Gawain sets off on his quest to find the Green Knight and fulfill his part of the challenge"(183). Gawain went to face the Green Knight because of his Knight's code of chivalry. In addition, for a second time, Gawain holds his truth to the code in the game inside the castle. As Poet states, "determined not to deceive his host or violate the agreement, Gawain accepts only two kisses from the lady, which he (tells) to the lord at night"(p 183). Gawain could take advantage of the situation by committing adultery. Although tempted, he holds

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