My Mom told me that tryouts for this amazing soccer team were just around the corner. She simply asked me if I wanted to try out again. When I heard this, I immediately refused and answered with a definite decline. By saying this, she had a surprised look on her face. I definitely did not want to participate again because I had not made the team the year before and I was beyond nervous. I did not want to go through that again; however, I began to start practicing some skills after school because everyone who I have talked to agreed that I should do it. Ultimately, I wanted to become over prepared as the tryouts inched closer. Soon, it was the night before and I could barely sleep. The next day I arrived to the tryouts, the next thing I know, I was already about to begin. We started off by taking attendance abut soon started practicing. I was literally shaking inside as I was playing in the game. But all I could think about was having to repeat this process three more times until I had to patiently wait for the emails to be sent out with the …show more content…
This event has positively impacted my life permanently. It caused me to have more self-confidence and self-esteem to try again on everything if it does not work out. After being confirmed onto this certain team, I began to feel more determined and to work even harder for more opportunities to appear. Furthermore, I felt more comfortable in my soccer abilities and how I perform better, since I am more calm and composed. But with this experience, I had learned a very important lesson that will forever benefit me in my life. It is to never give up on yourself and to always give yourself another chance. The conflict was entirely resolved, because I faced my fear and tried again even though I still thought about the pas devastation. Ultimately, when someone tells you no, or declines you from a superior program, do not let that control your body. It does not mean anything and keep trying until you