|Full name: |Date of birth: Jan/2/1990 |ID card No: 273318435 |
|Tran Phuong Nam |Place of birth: Ba Ria- VungTau Province |Date of issue: 19/5/2005 |
| | |Place of issue: BR-VT Province |
|Sex: Male ( Female |Marital status: | |
| |Married Single ( | |
| Height: 175 cm,Weight: 60 kg | |Mobile: 0909925990 |
|E-mail: mrnam72@gmail.com |
|Permanent address: Lang Gang Village, Binh Chau Commune, Xuyen Moc Ward, BR-VT Province. |
|Resident address: 194/19/11A Bach Dang Street, Ward 12, Binh Thanh District, HCM City. |
|Family information (husband/wife/children/father/mother/brothers, sisters) |
|Relation |Full name |Occupation? Where? |
|Father |Tran Van The |Merchant, Lang Gang Village, Binh Chau Commune, Xuyen Moc Ward, BR-VT |
| | |Province.