Exam Name: TTA (Telecom Technical Assistant) Specialization: Section C - Network Filters and Transmission Lines Conducted By: BSNL (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited) Conducted In: December 2007 Number of Questions: 50 Maximum Marks: 250 Time Allowed: 90 Minutes Negative Marking: Yes Type of Questions: Objective Type (Multiple Choice) Section (Network Filters and Transmission Lines) 1. Pick up wrong statement (a) A group of interconnected individual components known as circuit elements is called a network. (b) A humped network is an arrangement of physically separate resistors, inductors and capacitors. (c) Distributed network is one, which the resistive, inductive and capacitive effects are inseparable for network analyses. (d) A branch is a network having four elements.
2. Kirchoff’s laws for networks are: (a) The algebraic sum of branch currents meeting at any node is zero. (b) The algebric sum of voltage drops in any set of branches forming a closed circuit or loop must be equal to zero. (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Neither (a) and (b)
3. Mutually coupled circuit is a circuit which is:
(a) Bilateral (b) Unilateral (c) None of these (d) Either (a) or (b)
4. Duality is a (a) Transformation in which current and voltages are interchanged (b) Active sources become passive sources (c) Passive sources become active sources (d) Both (b) and (c)
5. Combined inductance of two inductors L1 and L2 connected and voltages are interchanged (a) L1 + L2 (b) (L1 + L2)/ L1 (c) (L1 + L2) / (L1 X L2) (d) (L1 X L2) / (L1 + L2)
6. Normal analysis techniques are based on (a) Thevenin’s theorem (b) Tellegan’s theorem (c) Superposition theorem (d) Kirchoff’s Law
7. Two voltage sources can be connected in parallel when they are equal in (a) Magnitude (b) Frequency (c) Phase
(d) All the above
8. The kirchoff’s law fail in (a) Linear circuits (b) Non-linear circuits (c) Lumped parameter circuits (d)