In this discussion paper, my intention is to highlight why I think ‘Storming” is an integral part of group development in that it leads to healthier more productive working groups.
As a group begins to feel more comfortable and less guarded with each other the personalities, beliefs, opinions and values of its members begin to emerge. This emergence gives members an opportunity to understand each other better by allowing commonalities and differences in areas such as opinions, skills and knowledge bases to be explored. Furthermore, this period of conflict also assists in role develop, allows for procedures to start taking shape and helps set ground rules for the group. For example, in groups where a leader or facilitator has not been previously established, leaders begin to show their skills very easily as conflict takes place. In terms of procedures and ground rules, members will begin to recognize the need for formalities and structures in order for organization and task functions to take place. As well in this stage, competitiveness gives members a chance to vie for position and to try and establish themselves in relation to other team members. This again helps set the stage for clarity in roles. Furthermore, these power struggles even though they are distracting will permit emotions and relationship issues to get out on the table
References: Tuckman, B., 1965, “ Developmental sequence of small groups,” Psychological Bulletin, Number63,p384-399. In Center for Service and Leadership. [Online] 05/12/2005.