Turing Point Speech
Turning Point Speech There comes a time in everyone’s life that something transpires and it becomes a turning point for them. I had one of these turning points this summer. At the beginning of the summer I had some events happen in my life that turned my world upside down. At that point in my life I realized I had turned my back on God’s voice in my life. When I realized this my spirit and my heart were broken. All I could do is dive back into his word and I was so hungry for anything that had to do with Him. This hunger led me to go on a mission’s trip as a youth leader with my church. On this mission’s trip I heard God’s voice loud and clear. This was my turning point; God revealed to me my calling. My calling was youth ministries. When I got back from the mission’s trip I took the steps necessary to begin fulfilling the calling God had just placed on my life. Today and in the future my goal is to live my life in a way that is going to be contusive to my calling. Now my life is being fulfilled and it is a great feeling.
1. “When you are actually delivering your speech, there is a simple technique for presenting documenting evidence. Its called the “Evidence Three-Step.” Here are the steps:
a. Cite the author and the source of the information.
b. Present the evidence.
c. Restate the evidence in your own words.”
2. “The secret of success is to know something that everyone else doesn’t. – Henry Ford”
3. “{When presenting a speech} What you sow is what you