Case study: Be Careful where you put Unwanted Pests in the Everglades
• “everglades national park was overrun with pythons
• Fortunately the alligator is a successful predator
• 8.1- why were introductions of new species into Europe so popular long ago?
• Today human introduction of species into new habitats is one of the most troublesome problems with life on earth
• In 1749 Linnaeus was one of the first scientists botanists and father of modern taxonomy of plants sent a colleague to North America to collect plants
• Western Europe’s climate was similar to the climate of North America these places had a great variety of plants species
• Biography of large scale global patterns
8.2-Wallace’s realms- Biotic provinces
• Alfred Russell Wallace co-discovered the theory of biological evolution with Charles Darwin
• Wallace helped discover 6 biogeographical regions and the animals that could be found in each
• Neartic- North America, Neotropical- Central/ South America, Paleartic- Europe/ Northern Asia/ North Africa, Ethiopian- Central/ South Africa, Oriental- India Subcontinent/ Malaysia
• All living organisms are classified into groups called taxa usually one the basis of their evolution or similarity of characteristics
• Domain/ Kingdom, Phylum made up of classes made up of orders, made up of species
8.3- Biomes
• A biome is a kind of ecosystem
• Similar environments led to the evolution of an organisms similar in form and function
• This is known as the rule of climate similarity
• A biotic province is based on who is related to who
• A biome is based on niches and habitats, a biotic province is an evolutionary unit
• Divergent evolution is a process when a population is divided usually into groups based on geographic areas
• Both convergent/divergent evolution increases biological diversity
8.4-Geographic patterns of life within a continent
• Convergent/divergent environments led to the study of patterns within an