It was labeled so because it was very common in black people to have syphilis because they were very sexually active. In 1932, the study officially began when 399 black men were chosen to be infected with syphilis and another 201 black men would serve as “control” patients who weren't infected. They were told was they would receive free medical exams, free treatment and compensation for burial services. They were never told why they were really there, and during that time period African American men and women weren't very well educated.. This made the men optimal test subjects, if the doctors wrote down exactly what they were planning on doing to these men, they wouldn't really understand
It was labeled so because it was very common in black people to have syphilis because they were very sexually active. In 1932, the study officially began when 399 black men were chosen to be infected with syphilis and another 201 black men would serve as “control” patients who weren't infected. They were told was they would receive free medical exams, free treatment and compensation for burial services. They were never told why they were really there, and during that time period African American men and women weren't very well educated.. This made the men optimal test subjects, if the doctors wrote down exactly what they were planning on doing to these men, they wouldn't really understand