-> 1922 interpretation + why? (maybe one para. on life, one of death)
-> 1968 - X-ray
-> 1978 - Blood analysis
-> 2005 - CT Scan
-> 2011 - DNA testing/analysis
Something has changed with every new analysis/test. Very different interpretation of his death from 1922 to 2011, due to changes in science & technology. Due to improvements of technology & of scientific analysis, allowed us to develop a more accurate interpretation of how Tutankhamun lived and died.
Sources: Internet, textbook, booklets. Academic sources
Howard Carter
Dr Hawass
Throughout the years, our interpretation of Tutankhamun’s life and death has changed to the major developments in science and technology, from his examination in 1922 to the latest analysis in 2011. The development of different machinery that has allowed us to obtain x-rays and CT scans and also conduct blood analysis and DNA testing. Along with other written and archaeological sources, we have been able to gain an understanding of the life Tutankhamun lived and the reasons for his early death.
In the 1922 autopsy conducted by Douglas E. Derry, not much information about Tutankhamun’s life and death was discovered as science and technology had not developed very far. Science and technology at that time could not tell whether he had been murdered or not. Due to the advances in technology, an x-ray was performed in 1968 by R.G. Harrison and his team, who came up with the theory that Tutankhamun may have fallen victim to murder by a blow to the back of the head, a chariot accident or suffered a birth defect. The evidence found was inconclusive, as many things could have explained the missing part of his skull. Perhaps something went wrong during the mummification process or the excavation