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eNotes: Table of Contents
1. Twelfth Night: Introduction 2. Twelfth Night: Summary 3. Twelfth Night: William Shakespeare Biography 4. Twelfth Night: Reading Shakespeare 5. Twelfth Night: List of Characters 6. Twelfth Night: Historical Background 7. Twelfth Night: Summary and Analysis ♦ Act I, Scene 1 Summary and Analysis ♦ Act I, Scene 2 Summary and Analysis ♦ Act I, Scene 3 Summary and Analysis ♦ Act I, Scene 4 Summary and Analysis ♦ Act I, Scene 5 Summary and Analysis ♦ Act II, Scene 1 Summary and Analysis ♦ Act II, Scene 2 Summary and Analysis ♦ Act II, Scene 3 Summary and Analysis ♦ Act II, Scene 4 Summary and Analysis ♦ Act II, Scene 5 Summary and Analysis ♦ Act III, Scene 1 Summary and Analysis ♦ Act III, Scene 2 Summary and Analysis ♦ Act III, Scene 3 Summary and Analysis ♦ Act III, Scene 4 Summary and Analysis ♦ Act IV, Scene 1 Summary and Analysis ♦ Act IV, Scene 2 Summary and Analysis Twelfth Night 1
♦ Act IV, Scene 3 Summary and Analysis ♦ Act V, Scene 1 Summary and Analysis 8. Twelfth Night: Quizzes ♦ Act I, Scene 1 Questions and Answers ♦ Act I, Scene 2 Questions and Answers ♦ Act I,
Bibliography: and Further Reading 174