In this essay I will argue that the Principate is a history of military dictatorships insofar as certain emperors seize power via some form of military coup. I shall cover emperors via the themes of: bread and circuses, reliance on the army and Praetorian Guard as depicted on imperial coinage and the times when the accession of an emperor is instigated by either defeat in battle or the assassination of one’s predecessor.…
This is conveyed when Tiberius reduced his role when he retired to Capri – therefore determining that the princeps did not have to be based in Rome to rule-, assigning much of his power over to the Praetorian Guard Prefect Sejanus, who, Tacitus records Tiberius could speak “freely and unguardedly” with Sejanus regarding him as “the partner in my labours.” Ibid justifies what Tacitus is saying by “Tiberius believed him disinterested and listened trustingly to his advice, however disastrous”. Tiberius’ role is severely reduced during his time in Capri, as Sejanus was responsible for all communication between the Senate and the Princeps, much of which he intercepted as a means of corrupting the emperor so he could become Princeps, this is identified by Tacitus who suggests that “the ambitious Sejanus had his eyes on the Principate.” However Sejanus’ plans were discovered, the Praetorian Guard had grown more powerful in the absence of Tiberius from Rome, comprehends how influentially powerful the army has become in such a short amount of…
What do the accounts of two Roman emperors reveal about the strategies leaders use to improve their institutions? In the first century BCE, Rome was struggling to govern effectively, take care of its citizens, and deal with bordering nations. Augustus came to power in 27 BCE and his reign oversaw the successful transition from the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire (McKay 156). Just before his death in 14 CE, he wrote his autobiography, Res Gestae Divi Augusti, which details the impressive accomplishments of his long career. This text can be compared to an account of another Roman Emperor, Constantine, who served roughly 300 years later, from 306 to 312 CE. Roman historian Eusebius wrote a detailed biography of Constantine, called The Life of the Blessed Emperor Constantine, and this essay will focus on his description of a significant event in Constantine’s life, his conversion to Christianity. Although Emperors Augustus and Constantine both strived for similar goals of uniting Rome and bringing it to the forefront of the world, these two accounts, Res Gestae Divi Augusti and the Life of the Blessed Emperor Constantine, show that each ruler’s…
Scullard, H. H. (2003). From the Gracchi to Nero: A history of Rome, 133 B.C. to A.D. 68. [S.l.]: Routledge.…
After the reign of Augustus came four emperors from the Julio-Claudian line, Nero being the last of these four. These emperors tried to not only to esteem Augustus but to construct and leave their own legacy within the Roman Empire. In this time, emperors usually sponsored the building of new aqueducts, temples, theaters, curie, and fora. They also built lavish fortresses for their own living and employed the most renowned architects and artist in Rome. The Domus Aurea, Nero’s personal theatrical palace, offers us the rare glimpse into the privileged lavish lifestyle of one of Rome’s most notorious Emperors.…
Following Augustus’ advice not to extend the empire beyond its present frontiers, except when necessary for security had meant that less troops were needed to maintain the borders and money wasn’t spent on wars. As a result, Tiberius was able to retain more money in the treasury to spend on Romanising the provinces and tying them closer to Rome. Tiberius strengthened the eastern frontiers of the empire with diplomacy rather than aggression and limited the annexation of client-kingdoms once they were Romanised. The army maintained strong allegiance to Tiberius throughout his reign, and as Tiberius had had a long and successful military career before being princeps was able to keep strict discipline amongst the legions. Scullard comments, “He was popular with the army”. Tiberius recruited soldiers from the Romanised people in the provinces as well as the descendants of veterans as he felt the Italians who were enlisting were lazy. He also delegated any military campaigns to able generals though he took away the title of ‘Imperator’ to victorious generals, reserving it for members of the imperial family. Tiberius understood the benefits to the principate of maintaining control of a strong, well-trained…
The aim of this essay is to discuss whether the death of Julius Caesar by acquaintances Marcus Brutus and Cassius Longius was due to political or personal motives. The focus will lay in understanding Rome’s political situation at the time, evaluating Caesar’s policies and the possible explanations resulting in Caesar’s assassination. The essay will begin by explaining the political situation in Rome at the time in order to understand the tensions between Caesar and the Senate. The concluding part of the investigation…
Akin to the Salem Witch Trials that took place in 1692 and 1693, the assassination of the great Julius Caesar in William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar appeared to be unreasonable or unjust to many of those that honor him. However, unlike the notorious Salem Witch Trials, it is clear that as light manifests itself upon the mysterious reasons in regards to why Julius Caesar was brutally murdered, it is made obvious that Julius Caesar may not have been quite the adored and honorable man that the Romans so hoped for. There was a side to the Julius Caesar that remained hidden by his graciousness and utterly generous facade. This side of the great and almighty Caesar would prove to convince and compel the very Senators that served below him, that Caesar must meet his rather “timely” demise.…
Caligula’s brief reign as princeps stripped away the illusion of the Augustan restoration of the republic and exposed the truth of the principate being nothing less than autocratic rule. His reign saw some significant historical changes in the imperial system. He ensured that upon his immediate accession his reign would not model that of his predecessor, a step that secured his popularity. His dutiful display of recovering his mother and brother’s ashes not only served out the purpose of securing the populace’s favour, but also his right to rule. However, Caligula’s behaviour spiralled out of control months later, contributing to the deterioration of his relationship with the senate and the Praetorian Guard, his embarkation of expansionism and change in provincial administration and causing some financial strain resulting from his lavish expenditure.…
Don't do that unless you want your brother-in-law's guitar to get out of tune. John's computer's memory is corrupted; He needs to get a new one. A story in the Arizona Republic quoted the Secretary of Agriculture saying, " We are concerned with the development of our farmland." The title of the book is the American Caesars by John Hamilton, Betty White, and David Martin. My boss' favorite foods are pizza, hamburgers, and Ben and Jerry's ice cream. The student union, which is run by a student's committee, can hire non-students. In spite of practicing, Linda's handwriting remained poor. Yellowstone National Park is know for its wolves, bisons, and elks. Eli Manning said, "The New York Giants have enough talent, will, and energy to win the Super…
University of Notre Dame. (2007). The Fall of the Republic: the Reforms of Tiberius and Gaius. Retrieved February 23, 2013, from University of Notre Dame:…
Although often accused of being mere gossip and invention – John D Clare (2013) comments: ‘Suetonius never omits an unlikely piece of juicy gossip unless he can find an even-more-crazy allegation to top it’ – the Lives are vibrant and compelling biographies. They formed – almost verbatim – the backbone for the presentation of the Roman emperors in the book and TV series…
Julius Caesar’s rise to prominence up until 60BC transpired due to a number of factors. The first of these being his family background and Marian connections, which at varying stages of his life were both a help and a hindrance. We can also note that most of his marriages were used to gain political and financial resources accentuating his connections to powerful families and individuals. This rise to prominence can also be attributed to Caesar’s opportunistic nature and vast ambitions coupled with his education and specialised tuition in the art of rhetoric, skills essential to gain popularity and political office. Additionally his acquisition of religious titles added prestige and status to his name while providing him with an array of religious powers. We also see his political alliances reflecting the success of his early political career and rise through the cursus honorum. All of these aspects were an integral part of Caesar’s public and personal life contributing in no small way to his eventual rise to prominence.…
A powerful leader being assassinated is not new in the history of the world. Some have been powerful and some have not. President John F. Kennedy is maybe the most famous in the history of the United States, except maybe President Abraham Lincoln. The murder of Julius Caesar is one of the most famous and popular too. The debate is whether he should have been assassinated or not, depending on what you think he was doing within the empire. It is true that Julius Caesar was changing the republic into an empire, but is that reason enough to kill the leader of that change? I don't think he should have been assassinated.…
The ways in which history is recorded and expressed is an art itself. There is only one truth to the past, but there are infinite ways in which an author can convey the truth. Focusing on a subject like Rome where the records are scarce and the legitimacy of those records are challenged; Livy and Polybius use two different methods to express the past. Although these authors differ in their methods, similar explanations of ideal roman virtues can be seen through comparison. These various records of Rome’s history allow readers to better understand the context based on their interpretive preferences. Essentially, Livy expresses ideal roman virtues through a narrative context, while Polybius uses a more analytical context.…