WST 374
26 February 2017
Twilight’s Sparkly Romance Twilight is the first of the series of fictional romance novels published by Stephanie Meyer. Originally published in October 2005, Meyer formed an eternal love story that was later developed into a full movie series. Despite the vampire themed love having its own unique take on the common romance novel, it has every characteristic of the typical “bored housewife” genre. The first book consists of only two main characters: Bella Swan and Edward Cullen and the story is told from Bella’s perspective. The books revolve around the story of Bella, a seventeen-year old girl, who falls for a vampire named Edward, despite the bloodlust he feels for her. The plot starts with Bella moving from Phoenix, Arizona to live with her somewhat estranged father in Forks, Washington. She adapts the role of a …show more content…
There were issues with racial characteristics and sexual tension, but the book is an interesting new take on the modern romance novel that is geared towards a wide range of women. With an easy to read book that has romance and fascinating mythology, most readers are pulled right into the world of Twilight and its sparkly vampire romance.
Works Cited
Em & Lo. "Twilight, ’Take Me Away!'" NYMag.com. New York Magazine, 15 Nov. 2009. Web. 22 Feb. 2017.
Radway, Janice A. "Women Read the Romance: The Interaction of Text and Context." Feminist Studies9.1 (1983): 53. Open Media Education. Web.
Wilson, Natalie. "POP GOES FEMINISM: Thoughts on Coontz’s A Strange Stirring – Are “Housewives” today just as “Desperate” as in the era documented by Friedan? - Girl w/ Pen." Girl w Pen POP GOES FEMINISM Thoughts on Coontzs A Strange Stirring Are Housewives today just as Desperate as in the era documented by Friedan? The Society Pages, 5 Feb. 2011. Web. 23 Feb.