Twisted heroes are not always liked; however, they are highly respected. In the novel Our Twisted Hero by Yi Munyol, the new sixth grade teacher figures out that Om Sokdae, a student, is controlling his class. After the election for the new class monitor, the teacher realizes that the boys do not make their own decisions because ”the other nine, apart form Om Sokdae, are all one vote each” …show more content…
The main character, Shrek, is a hideous,lime green ogre who is determined to save Princess Fiona before Prince Charming does. Prince Charming, a handsome man with luscious blond hair, is the ideal hero is this story as opposed to Shrek, who is the twisted hero. When Shrek shows up to save Fiona, she does not expect a hideous creature so she is startled and reluctant. She later explains how she dreamed of being saved by a handsome prince that would carry her away gracefully. Shrek was just the opposite, he dragged her along their lengthy, strenuous journey of killing a dragon while listening to a very annoying donkey. Her fairytale ending that she thought of had not come true, but in the end she was saved from her tower, just like what she believed would happen if Prince Charming had saved her. The movie Shrek gives an example of how a twisted hero can approach a situation and reach the same or similar results compared to an ideal