The documentary Two American Families relates to concept of the American dream, and how the two families the Stanley’s and Neumann’s are working for a right to a basic freedom.
The Stanley’s and Neumann’s families are just two families hardworking families from the Midwest, who are currently going through some financial hardship. One quote that sticks out is at the very beginning of the film, when Terry Neumann “And our expectations were— I thought, you know, you find the man that you like and get married and have a family and get a house, a little white picket fence, you know, all those little fairy tale type things”(Two American Families). This just shows you how you can imagine a certain life for yourself, but then reality can hit and change things. I doubt that Terry Neumann would have expected that her life would experience such drastic changes. For the Stanley family they faced similar circumstances just like the …show more content…
It can be traced back to post WWII America, a time in which factories were relocating to the South from the North. The major targets of deindustrialization were the unions, and without unions workers would be targeted for abuse at the hands of their employers. A popular type of deindustrialization that was occurring in the documentary was a term called “Capital Flight”. Capital Flight is when companies are leaving a country for a different country in which they can produce products for less. This happened to Tony Neumann’s job with Brigg’s, the company left Milwaukee for Mexico because of the cheap labor there. Overall deindustrialization caused for so many people to lose their jobs and the idea of the American dream felt like a myth to them, instead of a