The education in China and Australia has different kinds of system. They share many similarities in students studying, such as the system structure, the study atmosphere, and the educational policy. However, there are also a few differences between these two countries.…
In “The Educated Giant” written by Nicholas D. Kristof, he explains why China is likely to over take the United States as the worlds most important country of the century due to its large focus on education. In the article, Kristof talks about his trip to China and the education system he observed. Beginning with peasant schools, he discovered the level of math being taught was equal to his children’s excellent schools in the New York area. While his children won’t learn a language in school until seventh grade, Chinese students begin English as young as first grade. Kristof gave reasons as to why he believes Chinese students do so well. First, is because they are harder workers. Students show up to school at 6:30 a.m. for tutoring before classes start at 7:30 a.m. They also do homework every night, including when they are out of school for an eight week summer vacation. The second reason Kristof gives is because China has an enormous cultural respect for education, part of its Confucian Legacy. Teachers are better paid and treated superior to educators in America. The third reason given is because the Chinese believe that those who get the best grades are the hardest workers. This contrasts popular American belief that the best students are ones who are innately the smartest. Kristof then touches on the fact that Chinese has its own faults, including bribes, enormous fees and over crowded classrooms.…
Education has an immense impact on the human society. The quality of human resource of a nation is easily judged by the number of literate population living in it. This is to say that education is a must if a nation aspires to achieve growth and development and more importantly sustain it. In today’s world, the role of education has become even more vital. It is an absolute necessity for economic and social development, and the single most important predictor of good jobs and high income at the individual level. In the United States, the Department of Education aims to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring educational equity.…
Both Lacrosse and Ice hockey are two sports that share similar aspects. One example would be that they both require plenty of athletic prowess, as well as countless hours of training and practice to master. The high amount of contact in both sports enables a player to become both physically and mentally "tough". Lacrosse has grown to its highest level of popularity it has ever reached over the last ten years. Ice hockey has seen a steady climb in its popularity over the past 25 years making it one of the most popular sports in not only Long Island, but all across the U.S. However, there are many differences as well, and we should not overlook the fact that there are plenty of distinctions between the two great sports. Many of which are the main reasons that these are obviously two separate sports.…
Today the American educational system is getting worse with every year. Teachers in the U.S. schools can not provide children with the appropriate skills wich are needed for their future education. But children in Asian countries are showing high results on their tests, and Asian countries are “beating the pants off us in the educational arena.” Moreover, work perfomance in the U.S. is very poor after graduation, for American students keep failing in Math and Science in high school. Due to the low test scores and poor work perfomance after high school graduation, our government came to a conclussion that the education system is failing. After examining the information out of the different articles, it is obvious that the U.S. educational system should adopt some Asian techniques in teaching, but there are some methods wich must not be changed because of cultural differences.…
Part 4 Cultural Differences between China and England in Teaching Methods in the Documentary Are Our Kids Tough Enough? Chinese School Teaching methods consist of four aspects, which are the guiding ideology, basic methods, specific methods, and teaching way. The teaching methods include teachers’ teaching methods (pedagogy methods) and students’ learning methods (learning methods) two aspects. It is unity of the didactic and the learning methods. Didactic must be based on learning methods, otherwise will be due to lack practicality and feasibility of cannot achieve the desired purpose effectively.…
High schools play an important role in teenager education. Each country pays high attention on it, so they try their best to improve the high school education system. Because of different cultures, high schools have many differences in various countries. For example, comparing high schools in Australia and China, there are several similarities and differences in three areas, including the teaching styles, the curriculum, and the time spent.…
With the development of a progressive and civilized society, education becomes a greater priority. In separate countries, there are distinct differences in the systems and methods by which education is practiced. The Canadian secondary school educational system is different from the Chinese education system in four main areas: the subjects offered for study, requirements for graduation, the authority of the teachers and the physical aspects of the institutions.…
The United States and China are the two most influential Countries in the world and that is one reason they hold education to such high importance. These two countries could not operate at such a high standard and continue on and be operating at the kind of level that will keep them on top. In order to do this they must make education important. Even though the United States and China both have high regards for the importance of education their systems differ as when children start, what they are taught, and how they determine how children go on to get a higher education.…
Since the education system has huge difference between China and America, lots of parents choose to send their children to America to continue their school.…
3. Chinese schools do not segregate high achieving students from lower achieving students through tracking levels, like in the U.S. This is mostly due to the belief that all students can succeed if they put in the effort.…
Chinese education is focused on students academic performance, while Canadian education is pay more attention on students’ daily performance and group works. In China, high school students are constantly learning knowledge and doing homework, all of these hard work just for get good mark into the university. The college entrance examination is one of important in Chinese people’s life, This is an examination that can change the fate of students. Parents in China think if their children can not get in a good university, then the child's life is basically abandoned. But in Canada is different, Canadian high school is more focused on cultivating students' interests, so as to select the most suitable for their professional. And they are in accordance with the students' daily performance and homework to give students the final assessment, rather than China only look at the final results. China has implemented that kind of education model, but also because the population in China is too much, too competitive, they can not take care of each student at the same time. China and Canada should learn from each other, China should that students have more time to do group works, and Canada should that students pay more attention in academic…
Education system is one of the most crucial characteristics that define one nation. Furthermore, secondary education system is especially valuable; since one’s self-esteem starts to form during adolescence. Since my parents decided to move to America when I was sixteen years old, I had a unique opportunity to be educated in two different countries, which are Korea and United States in my adolescence. Moreover, this unique opportunity always made me compare the two different education systems that I have been benefited. In fact, United States has exceptionally advanced education system that many developing countries refer to it when they build a new education system. Moreover, Korea also modeled its education system from one in America, when it underwent inevitable change of the education system from modernization. Therefore, education systems from two different countries have many similarities. However, there are much more differences between two education systems than similarities from my experience.…
Scientists speculated that organisms change over time. The British naturalist Charles Darwin made the most important contribution to scientific knowledge in 1859 on how organisms change or evolve over time. Darwin explained that the environment selects the kinds of adaptations in organisms that will help them to survive.…
As a Chinese student studying in the UK, I found there are many differences between studying in the UK and studying in China, including the environment, types of study and types of assessment. I have the experience of studying in Chinese university, therefore, I would compare the difference of the studying in universities of China and the UK.…