Case study: First case study I will talking about is The local family day centre and crèche facility responds to an increasing number of referrals by health visitors of children under 3 years old with significant disabilities and syndromes by developing a service to provide stimulation and therapy for the children and support and respite for their parents.
There are many different. People that would be providing care and also would work with the local family day centre would then be health visitors. However for health visitor the role is to help the families and the child’s, mainly when a person needs help with parenting, a reason for this can be because it …show more content…
The therapist can be a friend to grace as well because. The occupational therapist and grace will talk about the problems she is facing. The occupational therapist will also help Grace overcome problems she is facing from the accident wither it is physically or mentally. Occupational therapy interacts with individuals at any age. And in terms of grace the occupational therapy will work with Grace within all aspects of her daily.This can be another multi-disciplinary team that work with Grace will be informal care, this is because her friends visits Grace her frequently so they can support grace by looking after and reassuring her so that she does not feel alone and isolated from others around her. The informal cares will help Grace around the house and help with cleaning and cooking. In addition to this because Grace fell down the stairs she will need either renovation or a stair lift so that she can be transported up and down the stairs. This will prevent Grace falling down the stairs again.
In addition, The health visitor is also part of a multi-disciplinary team and help Grace by actively promoting her health as well as their well- being, the health visitor will also help their health condition from becoming developing and becoming worse. In this case the health visitor will be a nurse because the nurse will help Grace recover. The nurse will help promote good health. Nurse’s work as part of a multi-disciplinary team, the nurse will also provide emotional support for the person. Last but not least the nurse will diagnose minor problems that are to do with Grace and provide low-level