The illusion of freedom comes with growth, imagination, and passion. Jing-Mei is a developing girl …show more content…
Amy Tan shows that there is more than one illustration when it comes to dreams. The American Dream doesn’t revolve around what we see it’s how we live happily. The main idea is the concept of freedom. Jing-Mei later gives recgonition to her mother when she noticed that if she didn’t try to follow her mother’s dream she wouldn’t know her dream. By accepting her old piano Jing-Mei takes the gift as a sign of forgiveness. The piano became something she treasured instead of despised. In her acceptance she notices her natural talent to play, but uses the piano as a lesson. After Suyuan passed away Jing-Mei reconditioned the piano for pure sentimental reason. Their differences are the plot twist that enlightens Jing-Mei and her perspective in living in peace. Jing-Mei lives her dream the way her mother wanted to live. In all actuality being happy and free is all that matters when it comes to an American