Allison Grant
Seahorse Habitat Requirements
The Seahorse is mostly found in shallow seagrass and reef habitats. They are distributed in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. The seahorse habitat is any underwater area with lots of things they can grab onto with their tails and blend into for hiding. Often they prefer an eelgrass, kelp, coral, rock and mangrove environment. The Seahorse prefers a tropical or temperate oceans. There are no known freshwater Seahorses.
Seahorse Food Requirements
The seahorse is an omnivorous animal and the seahorse therefore eats a mixture of plant and animal matter which the seahorse does by sucking the food into it's body through it's elongated snout. The seahorse primarily feeds on brine shrimp, plankton, tiny species of fish, and algae.
Orang-utan Habitat
Although Orang-utans would have once been found on a number of tropical islands in Indonesia, today they are confined to just two which are the islands of Borneo and Sumatra. Their tree-dwelling lifestyle means that Orang-utans prefer dense tropical forests in the lowlands where there is a good supply of food. The Bornean Orang-utan is found in three remaining locations on Borneo but the Sumatran Orang-utan now only inhabits the very northern tip of Sumatra, with the majority of wild individuals being found in just one province. Both species however are severely threatened by the drastic decline of their habitats which have been deforested for timber or cleared for agriculture.
Orang-utan Food Requirements
The Orang-utan is an omnivorous animal that although does eat a mixture of both plant and animal matter, the majority of their diet is comprised of numerous types of fruit. Despite the fact that Orang-utans do move throughout large home ranges, they have their own patch of forest nonetheless that tends to contain the perfect amount of food to sustain that individual (or a mother with young). Orang-utans eat both ripe and