themes within the text, one of which is the sense of two personalities from the “same” character. Sylvia Plath had her own personal problems that relate to the dark side of Persephone. The action of Persephone being condemned to spend half of the year in the underworld and the rest of year on Earth, again gives the reader another look two sides of the personalities in the poem. As for the sides of personalities, there lives a more dark and conservative side, and there lives the complete opposite, a lively, more liberal side. Sylvia Plath tells a story of two personalities in the poem of “Two Sisters of Persephone”. The two personalities are embodied by a dark side that is waiting for the light to return. It seems as if the other side of the personality is the light that the “dark” is waiting on. The “light” is the side of the person that is all about the better things in life that make you laugh and feel the joy of the world. On the other hand the “Dark” side of the personality, is all about the darker things in life, the things that make death come to life. There are once again more than one side to the story. On one hand the “dark” side of the sister shows up again, her activities include more of a reckless way of life. It could be said that her actions are liberal. On the other hand the “light” side of the sister partakes in a more reserved actions, conservative even. The “light” side does not necessarily mean that she radiates light but, she makes life more enjoyable. She makes become more about being more lively and spastic. When the “Dark” sister is referred to as so, this does not mean that she is evil, but as a “plain jane”. She sees things as black and white, cut and dry and not cheerful.
In conclusion, this life brings out multiple sides of someone. This is present in said poem, the “light” and “dark” side are just one in the same individual. As for the two sides, they will eventually come to the end and become the same person again. An individual has the choice of what path to take in life. The path you choose is up to you. Whether your life carries you down a so called “light” or “dark” path is for you to find out.