- In the United States, there is a versatile amount of environments where one can utilize their knowledge of the world and apply it in their environment. I would say that two important types of intelligence in this environment would have to be mathematical-logical and interpersonal. In order to gain success in the US environment, one has to learn to maintain their financial situation and has to have an ability to deal with other people. The US heavily relies on interactions with other people in forms of day to day life such as school, work, or recreation. Having the ability …show more content…
Identify two types of intelligence that might be especially important for an adult in an uncontacted tribe. If you need more information about uncontacted tribes, conduct an online search for “uncontacted Indians of Brazil,” or “Brazil’s uncontacted tribes.” Fully explain why these types of intelligence might be important for an adult in an uncontacted tribe.
Two types of intelligence that would benefits an adult in an uncontacted tribe would be intrapersonal and interpersonal. The adult in the uncontacted tribe would benefit more by understanding values of the tribes and the people in it. It would help them to be more empathic and understanding of the feelings in the people of their tribe because it is as if they are a part of their family. They must learn how to work with others in order to achieve a goal. And it also helps that they try to become more compassionate because they must work with others.
3. Which types of intelligence do you think best characterize your abilities? Fully explain your …show more content…
My main process of thought would revolt around devising methods of solving a problem or x situation that should arise. In order to come up with more solutions in the future, I attempt to enter as many new experiences as I can and constantly test out new methods to handle a situation. I tend to find using same old strategy for an extended period of time to be rather boring after a while. This wouldn’t mean that I would simply go away from using a strategy that works for the sake of it. If x=1=2, then x must equal 3. But if a situation has a variety of actions one can do such as most situation in life, I would attempt to see if new strategies would make the situation easier or harder to complete. And the more strategies I try and information I obtain; the more choices I will have when I need to make a choice for a similar decision.
4. Locate and complete a free online Multiple Intelligences Test. You may find the following Websites helpful: Birmingham Grid for Learning—Multiple Intelligences (http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/custom/resources_ftp/client_ftp/ks3/ict/multiple_int/index.htm), or Literacynet.org (http://www.literacynet.org/mi/assessment/findyourstrengths.html), Edutopia (http://www.edutopia.org/multiple-intelligences-assessment). After completing the test, summarize your results. Did you score high in the abilities that you listed in Question