The market has been adequately defined with the target market of married couples and singles between the ages of 21 and 50 years of age with an income greater than $25,000. This is a target market that would spend money on a premium product for a "family member." However, TPF must consider the profitability of such a market. Show Circuit will be marketed as a high-quality food. Show Circuit is also quite different from other dog foods in that it is a frozen dog food. The problem lies in getting room on frozen food shelves next to people foods. Frosty Paws, a frozen dog treat, has done some of the pioneering work by gaining some freezer space in Boston supermarkets. It is possible that TPF may have to give up more than a 25% gross margin to get freezer space. Assuming that food brokers do get distribution into supermarkets, the following breakdown shows recommended selling prices (as well as, variable costs and contribution margins).
Price to consumer: based on the notion that Show Circuit will be sold as a premium priced item