
Type-1 Disabilities Research Papers

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Type-1 Disabilities Research Papers
Striving to be a physical therapist, there are a lot of disabilities that I am quite knowledgeable about. One of those disabilities is a disability that cannot be seen just by looking at the person, and that is type-one diabetes. Type-one diabetes is also known as juvenile diabetes, as most people are diagnosed with it when they are younger. This disease occurs when a person’s pancreas stops producing enough insulin in the body so there is not regulation of blood glucose levels. My twin brother was diagnosed with type-one diabetes when he was in the fifth grade, so I was able to see how the disease affected his body without producing insulin. Without insulin being produced in the body, blood sugar levels can rise to dangerously high levels, which would result in death if never taken care of. Another disability I am familiar with is severe arthritis resulting in becoming immobile and being confined in a wheelchair. My grandmother lives with my family and she is extremely arthritic and the result of it is she is in a wheelchair. Arthritis is swelling in the joints, often associated with old age. She has …show more content…
We actually met before school started because we found out we live 20 minutes from each other and we have a lot of mutual friends from her high school that I grew up playing sports with. So not only do I see her constantly around campus, but I constantly see her at home as well, mostly because she is currently dating my twin brother. Our lives would dramatically change if she had severe arthritis. If Kathryn were unable to walk, I would help her as much as possible because her life would be very differently. Around campus she would need a handicap accessible room, which is do-able because in the upper classmen dorms, almost all of them are handicap accessible. In Cheney, she would require help getting her drinks, carrying her food to the table, and emptying her plate into the dishwashing

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