What does it actually mean to be overweight? Obesity is a medical condition in which excessive body fat has aggregated to the extent that it can have negative effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems. The way you know if a person is obese or overweight is by measuring their body mass index, or BMI. The calculation of the BMI is based on the ratio of a person’s height and weight (BMI=kg/).
What is diabetes? Well diabetes, is a sickness that many Australians today suffer. There are two types of diabetes. Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. Type 1 Diabetes is when the pancreas stops producing insulin. Without this insulin, the cells in the body are incapable of turning glucose (also known as sugar) into energy, leading to remains of glucose in the bloodstream at high levels. The body recognises that there is a problem and tries to provide the cells with other sources of fuel, for example stored fats. Extensive fat burning can be released by a product called ketones, which is highly dangerous to the body if in high amounts. Some symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes include:
Excessive thirst
Weight loss
Blurred vision …show more content…
While it usually affects older adults, younger people, even children, are getting Type 2 Diabetes. In Type 2 Diabetes, the pancreas makes some insulin but it is not produced in the amount your body needs and does not work effectively. Type 2 Diabetes results from a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Although there is a strong genetic predisposition, the risk is greatly increased when associated with lifestyle factors such as high blood pressure, overweight or obesity, insufficient physical activity and poor diet. A few symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes