A.Don’t Judge a person based off of their looks
The people thought Brutus was really noble but he helped killed Caesar
When Julius Caesar came out for the Parade People thought he was just this happy person but in reality Julius was actually having problems he had been having seizures. B.Reputation
The Type of Reputation that Julius Caesar had was good he always kept a positive attitude despite what he was going through …show more content…
People loved Julius Caesar because he was strong and they wanted for him to be king C.Successful First Impressions
Caesar going into the crowd and everyone cheering him up
People Believed that Caesar was a man with absolute power First Impressions are lasting are lasting and can directly affect your personal or working relationships.Most of the time people are jealous and that's why they give a bad first impression on someone that they barely know.More than 50 of impression is Based on Appearance itself it doesn’t matter about how pretty you are people will still judge you.In order to really make a good impression you should know about the other person’s character.Nearly 40% of an impression is based on sound,tone of voice and quickness of patter. When making a First Impression you should think about the other person's emotions.10% of First Impressions is based on content and what people say. A.Jealousy
Brutus and his crew were Jealous of Caesar and the power that he had.
Casca is disgusted by Caesar’s Manipulation of the commoners bc he is jealous of Caesar to.
B. Emotions
Cassius has expressed feelings of hatred and jealousy toward Caesar
Antony’s spills his emotions out at Caesar’s funeral by saying a speech C.Tone
The Tone of Antony’s voice changes as he speaks about Caesar at his funeral
Antony’s main tone in Caesar’s speech is sincerity Before meeting someone you should know who you are meeting, you should be prepared to meet that person.’’These talking points will vary, depending on the situation, but in general they should showcase your knowledge, strategic planning abilities, and “grasp of the business.” When you first meet someone of course you are gonna be nervous but it is better when you are not,you should be confident and comfortable.Another thing you should do when making a First Impression is to find something in common with the other person the more things you have in common with them the better the First Impression is.The Mistake made the most with First Impressions is people thinking that they have to impress the other person with their knowledge and First Impressions are not all about what you know.When making a First Impression you should most definitely ask questions so you could get to know more about them.You should gather feedback from trusted colleagues on your best traits and emphasize your traits.
Julius Caesar still thought of himself as a powerful man despite of what others said about him
Caesar is not ashamed of his arrogance B.Best Traits
The Best Traits of Julius Caesar are determined,loyal.strong,and arrogant
Brutus is honorable and idealistic C.Planning Abilities
The Men planned to Killed Julius Because they were jealous of him
The men planned to Kill Mark Antony to but didn't follow through with it . Whenever you assume what someone’s weaknesses and strengths are by just looking at their face you limit their ability to contribute.When you Rush to Judge a person without actually knowing who they are then you pre-dispose their performance.It is better to ask questions ,listen to responses,and drill down to establish their capabilities.Some people allow their First Impressions to determine the value of something else.When Working with someone you First Impressions often influence how you react to them.Some dangers inherent in giving in to our first impressions would include: Unfounded perceptions can negatively influence our thoughts and actions causing us to make poor decisions.If you stay positive while working with others and at all times then great things will happen and you will make a great First Impression. A.Poor Decisions
Brutus getting Involved with Cassius and plotting against Caesar
Mark Antony getting to speak at Caesar’s funeral. B.Brutus
Brutus Jealousy and his Cowardly ways were his weaknesses
Mark Antony practically makes a fool of him in getting permission against Cassius advice to speak at
Caesar’s funeral C.Strengths
Caesar was a master politician,soldier and strategist.
Julius Caesar never gave up no matter what came his way. People always believe their first Judgements even if the judgement is wrong they go based off of what they hear."An impression is a simple, primal response"one that is formed instinctively and takes a shockingly short amount of time to make.The main reason why people don’t give their First Best Impressions is because they focus to much on their words and nothing else.Body Language matters when you make a First Impression as well the correct way to greet a person is to use a handshake.Be Prepared to answer questions because the other person is definitely gonna want to ask questions.The most important thing to making a First Impression is basically to have Great Integrity,Be Positive and Not be Judgemental before you actually meet someone you should give the person a chance do not go based off of what others say you should see for yourself.Just remember that you only get one chance and you only get a few seconds to make a First Impression.
Caesar was a powerful man with great integrity
Brutus had great Integrity before he joined the men and decided to kill Caesar
Mark Antony did not like drama,he wanted peace
Julius Caesar was positive he tried to help out with what he could.
C.Not Being Judgemental
Despite of people bashing Caesar Mark Antony did not stop being his friends and he didn’t listen to what other people had to say.
Caesar never judged anyone despite of the problems that they had. A lot of people judge others people by how they look and without knowing them personally.Looks don’t matter what matters is reputation and integrity.the relationship and effect you have on others can determine how successful your First Impression can be as well.A lot of people judge you based off of how well you get along with others. Most people look at others and automatically judge 90% of that person.Judging others without knowing them is unfair.an example is A.Don’t Judge a person based off of their looks
The people thought Brutus was really noble but he helped killed Caesar.
First Impressions can affect personal and working business.Most of the time people are jealous and that's why they give a bad first impression on someone that they barely know.More than 50 of impression is Based on Appearance itself it doesn’t matter about how pretty you are people will still judge you.Nearly 40% of an impression is based on sound,tone of voice and quickness of patter.When making a First Impression you should think about the other person's emotions.10% of First Impressions is based on content and what people say. An example is y.(lying plays a huge role in most scandals, why preserving reputation and integrity is more important than keeping up with one's image, and ways to avoid self-destructive and deceitful habits.)
Brutus and his crew were Jealous of Caesar and the power that he had.
Before meeting someone you should know who you are meeting, you should be prepared to meet that person.’’These talking points will vary, depending on the situation, but in general they should showcase your knowledge, strategic planning abilities, and “grasp of the business.” When you first meet someone of course you are gonna be nervous but it is better when you are not,you should be confident and comfortable.Another thing you should do when making a First Impression is to find something in common with the other person the more things you have in common with them the better the First Impression is.The Mistake made the most with First Impressions is people thinking that they have to impress the other person with their knowledge and First Impressions are not all about what you know.When making a First Impression you should most definitely ask questions so you could get to know more about them.You should gather feedback from trusted colleagues on your best traits and emphasize your traits.A.Confidence
Julius Caesar still thought of himself as a powerful man despite of what others said about him
Whenever you assume what someone’s weaknesses and strengths are by just looking at their face you limit their ability to contribute.When you Rush to Judge a person without actually knowing who they are then you pre-dispose their performance.It is better to ask questions ,listen to responses,and drill down to establish their capabilities.Some people allow their First Impressions to determine the value of something else.When Working with someone you First Impressions often influence how you react to them.Some dangers inherent in giving in to our first impressions would include: Unfounded perceptions can negatively influence our thoughts and actions causing us to make poor decisions.If you stay positive while working with others and at all times then great things will happen and you will make a great First Impression.an example is appen and you will make a great First Impression. A.Poor Decisions
Brutus getting Involved with Cassius and plotting against Caesar
Before meeting someone you should know who you are meeting, you should be prepared to meet that person.’’These talking points will vary, depending on the situation, but in general they should showcase your knowledge, strategic planning abilities, and “grasp of the business.”you should never be nervous when doing a first impression you should be confident.You should also be confident when doing a first impression.First impressions are not all about what you know it is about way more.Another thing you should do when making a First Impression is to find something in common with the other person the more things you have in common with them the better the First Impression is.The Mistake made the most with First Impressions is people thinking that they have to impress the other person with their knowledge.
Works Cited
Graves Sr., Earl G. "You Have Only One Chance to Make a First Impression." Black Enterprise, vol. 45, no. 3, Oct. 2014, p. 10. EBSCOhost, scsl.idm.oclc.org/login?auth=discus&url=http://search.ebscohost.com.scsl.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=tth&AN=100785643&site=ehost-live. Works Cited
Knight, Rebecca. "How to Make a Great First Impression." Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 12 Sept. 2016, pp. 2-6. EBSCOhost, scsl.idm.oclc.org/login?auth=discus&url=http://search.ebscohost.com.scsl.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=buh&AN=118663677&site=ehost-live. Works Cited
Smith, David J. "Overcoming First Impressions and Misconceptions." Grand Rapids Business Journal, vol. 32, no. 10, 10 Mar. 2014, p. 9. EBSCOhost, scsl.idm.oclc.org/login?auth=discus&url=http://search.ebscohost.com.scsl.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=b9h&AN=94972962&site=ehost-live.