This context will take an analytical approach to discuss the types of education that exist in Zambia as an introduction and will further give details education types in its main body, eventually the conclusion will express opinions of the writers view about the types of education offered in Zambia.
Zambia’s education can be categorized into three main aspect, these are; formal, informal and non-formal educations. According Ezewu (1983)Formal Education, this is a completely structures education systems in which learning programmes are fully described in terms of content as provided in schools, colleges and university. It is also characterised with certification.Formal education is a traditional form of education. This type of education is imparted in a school or college. It is consciously and deliberately planned to bring about specific and special influence in the educated. So, it is synonymous with educational institutions.
In Zambia School is thus a formal agency of education. Education has a collective function. It has an objective to help the child to adapt to the social milieu in which he/she is destined to live. It is possible through education that society assures for its citizens a sufficient community of ideas and
Bibliography: Carmody B (2004) The evolution of Education in Zambia, Ndola: Book world publishers Ezewu E (1983) Sociology of Education, Singapore: Singapore Publishers Farrant J.S (2005) Principles and Practice in Teaching, London: Longman Group Kelly J (1999) Origins and Development of Education, Lusaka: Government Printers Mwanakatwe J (1974) The Growth of Education in Zambia Since Independence, Lusaka: Oxford University Press Sailo-bao K (1957) Curriculum Development and African Culture, Great Britain: Edward Snellson P (1974) Education development in Northern Rhodesia, Lusaka: Kenneth Kaunda foundation